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Wind Chill



"The cold is only bitter... to those that cannot taste it..."


-This wallpaper of Kopaka I had three or four years ago (that I wish I had the real verison).


So my trip my old town was a bit... normal?


Like I never left...


Thing is, I want that, yet not this way...


I dunno...


Though there was one problem I faced constantly.




Maybe not a moody spooky tale, but hey... it racks in the commentsmoney.


Oh, and my name isn't Emily Blunt.


The wind was like, "Hey... the sun is shining, its a peaceful Sunday, people are gonna wanna go out... Perfect."


Then like a stab in the back of the heat-generating rays of the sun, crying out, "WHY?!", Wind comes to me.


Now, the quote at the top is what I mutter when extremely cold and shaking crazy-like in my 60-dollar-birthday-money-on-clearance Hollister jacket with fake fur interior. NOT good in weather like this.


At one point, me and Tom were so bored and cold we strted throwing rocks, big and small into the frozen Assabet river to break it (I kinda knew it was six inches thick, but hey, it was a fun 45 minutes of our pathedic lives.)


I tried my best to get Tom headed into the freakin' direction toward warmth, though we did find nice spot next to the Library in the circle of benches to chil (no pun intended) and talk to his gay amigo Sam.


Later on, I dragged him to MickyD's (which he convinced beyond a doubt no one worth talking to would be there) and we meet up with an old friend and her foster sister.


I mean, sure, they were a bit high, but they're nice.


Four o'clock rolls it, and I ditch them right there in Mcdonald's to watch '10000 B.C.' with the old group, The Amigos!


It was... causal... We did movies all the time in the days I was there so... (only after I had to ditch them too because I had to go to my old church which my ride home would be attending)


When I was outside my ride's car, the wind blew, I repeated the words, hoping to set my mind to stand resistant to cold better... and something magical happened...


I dove behind the church to reduce the cold.


So I come back, raid the blogs as usual, eat dinner, and start this blog entry.


So, now that the introduction is over, I'll get to the point!


Freakin' Brawl isn't the best game 'eva'. Its Tekken... with Nintendo-owned characters. Get over it.


As much as I reframe from saying the word, it must be said.




And I kicked the ball.




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Have you ever played a SSB game? If you have, you'd realise they play almost nothing like traditional fighters such as Tekken.





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Thing is...


I did.


EDIT: Alright, its differnt. Though fighting Pokemon with a little blue huge-amount-of-spit-generating turtle wasn't fun...



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Try playing all the characters. I personally dislike Tekken, however for some reason really like Brawl. And Snake and Sonic are NOT Nintendo characters. :P


On a note unrelated to the above but related to the screenshot: Wow, low-res screen...that or tiny screen...


Next thing: Lol, Avast. I HATE AVAST. It...never...shuts up... <.>

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Try playing all the characters. I personally dislike Tekken, however for some reason really like Brawl. And Snake and Sonic are NOT Nintendo characters. :P


On a note unrelated to the above but related to the screenshot: Wow, low-res screen...that or tiny screen...


Next thing: Lol, Avast. I HATE AVAST. It...never...shuts up... <.>

Then stop going on the websites with viruses! :D



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:lol: Actually, it was accusing Panda(A firewall prog I purchased in the now-out-of-business brick-and-mortar CompUSA,) of being a virus. Just as panda said Norton was a hacker, Norton accused(Also bought at CompUSA,) Spysweeper of being a virus and Spysweeper claimed Avast was spyware. :P
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