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Library Trip

Schizo Kaita


I just got back from the library, and I've got a few interesting books to read for the coming weeks. As well as a new BioLog category, so I need to get a new banner installed, too.


Raymond E. Feist's Krondor: The Betrayal (Riftwar Legacy trilogy). Feist is one of the few male fantasy authors whose work I can really get into. I've finished the Riftwar series, which I found to be amazingly interesting. Ever since I read Magician, I've been spell-bound by these stories. I was actually looking for The King's Buccaneer, the follow-up to Prince of the Blood. Unfortunately it wasn't in yet, so I'll have to wait to finish the Serpentwar series. After the Riftwar Legacy I'll probably start reading the Serpentwar Saga, too.


Brian Herbert (son of Frank) and Kevin J. Anderson's House Corrino, from the Prelude to Dune series. I've read House Atreides and House Harkonnen years ago, so I should probably find a few summaries so I can get into the story again. I'm rather confident that, now that the third part in the Prelude series is in, the third part of the Legends of Dune books will be in as well, or at least soon. The Battle of Corrin is one I've been waiting to read for just as long as House Corrino.


Herman Melville's Moby Dick. It's one of the English classics I haven't read yet, but what with Smeag's constant references to the book, I decided I should tackle this monster as well. The first few pages have already sparked my imagination, so I should keep notes and make sketches of everything that comes to mind.


That's it for the novels - our local library also has a comics section. Two actually, just split up between the adult and children's library. I picked up the two first copies of the French series Naüja, a Fantasy story that takes place in a world resembling the border territory of the old Russian Empire, with steppes and mountains, imperial soldiers, giants, a magical crown stolen by a deserter and a white-haired magician girl. The French have many drawing styles, but usually they're rather realistic, just adapted to the artist's own specific style. This one, however, seems to be a mixture of the French and Japanese style, which makes it all the more interesting.


Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to make a few more visits regarding Scouting camp, cook some spaghetti, make two drawings and read a bit. Maybe I'll watch another Bleach episode tonight, too. Or visit a friend who lives in my street, depends whether he's busy or not.


See you lads and lasses around.

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Cool. I spend all my money on books. I should probably stop...but I blame Tennessee's super-low public library budget.





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