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How To Name Mocs?



How do you figure out names for MOCs?


Because I need names, for my MOCs.


And I'm not just going to take the first word a maori translator throws at me for a word related to my MOC.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: I want my children to have all the things I couldn't afford. Then I want to move in with them. - Phyllis Diller


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Primary Color of MOC + Animal it most resembles + name of friend who last insulted you (although cut off the ending letters until it ends with a vowel sound. Example: Robert -> Robe)


I dunno exactly how good that'll work, but better to pawn the idea off on you if it turns into a disaster. :P



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I try to break away from the normal conventions of Bionicle naming. For the Rachira's names, I started with the word Rachira, in which I used a hard CH rather than a K, which had been becoming overused by the time I made the name. Then I took a suffix from that (-chir) and added odd letter combinations (some from random words in dictionaries and other books, like how I got Aanchir from Aanchen, a word I found in a history book, and some of my own devising, like Lyichir (which uses a long I and consonant Y), Zheichir (in which I wanted to use the ZH sound like in treasure), or Kriichir (in which I wanted to use the sound made by crickets, represented by a double short I sound).

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Sometimes I use a Maori dictionary, though most of my MOC names tend to be incredibly vague, like "reindeer," "black-armored Toa," or "some sort of frog-turtle thing" (these are honestly three of my better MOCs). Lyichir improvised the six Rachira names, however, by applying the suffix "chir" to bizarre combinations of letters, much like the Vahki names. Suffix work is often viewed as an easy way out, but is nonetheless valuable as such.

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