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Big Change...



As you may know, I'm studying in the field of forestry for the second year now. It's a great field: lots of exciting opportunities and challenges, plenty of work available, an endless supply of new things to learn, a prospect for the future. My school is great, too: my courses are giving me the qualifications to work in a wide range of positions across many different fields, I'm receiving a top-notch education in Forestry, and I've gotten to know some really awesome people.


So what's up with this new, crazy thing I'm into?


Theology. I'm applying to study Theology at two major Finnish universities. WHAT?!


Yeah, I know. But the fact is, forestry's not really my thing. I thought it might be, but after taking a good, honest look in the mirror, I've seen that continuing this career path is only setting me up for some serious crises down the line. I might as well take steps now to prevent it. I know where I really want to go, what I really want to do. And now I finally have the courage to go there and do it instead of kidding myself.


What do you think? Is this decision crazy? To me, it feels right.


Hmm. Be interesting to see if any Theology students stumble upon this entry... :lol:




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I think that it's good you're making this decision now instead of waiting...:) And I'm no Theology student(engineering, yeah!) but I love thinking about theology/religions(I think you know which in particular) and consider myself a lay student of theology. Congrats on making that decision and having the courage to ahead with it. ^_^

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