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Tears Before The Fall



The day has come and gone. Many things happen. The winter has made its last offical attempt to doom New England with a wintery mix (and failed), I think I got maybe a 60-70% on that vocab quiz of Act 2 of MacBeth, the BBC contenders took their campaigning to the blogs, and Omi has left the building.


BZP's doing pretty well, I'd say. Peaceful, calm, a bit boring in the blogs, but hey...


Then I get news that my sister is taking a bus from Minas Gerais to Sao Paulo to see our family.


A bus.


'Whats the big deal?'


You don't know Brazil.


In Brazil, the chances of being robbed on a bus are high. Same with four cars boxing in a bus and forcing it to the side of the road, where the theives proceed into the bus and steal every onuce of cash the riders, including the driver, have. Not to mention leave them with the physical, painful marks to remember them by.



She's taking one from Minas Gerais to Sao Paulo OVERNIGHT.




She'll probably try to get as close as she can to Santos (basically our home)



The thought of someone hurting her...






EDIT: Sorry. Raw emotion gets to me. I've vented a bit. I'll be fine.




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Wow. I'm hoping for her safe arrival.


Quick question though; from your image of the flag and the fact you say your in Massachusetts, how does a bus get her to you?

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She's in Brazil with her boyfriend. We live in Mass., but she's going to our hometown in Brazil to see our relatives. She was suppose to buy a plane ticket get there... would've been much safer...



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She was suppose to buy the tickets with her boyfriend at the airport down there two to three weeks prior, but they procrastitnated and decided to take the bus.


My mom got a call from her this morning, she made it there safe.


Still wasn't worth the risk.



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