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It's Happening Again



I'm watching Fox Sports North, in hopes of catching a glimpse of some Wild hockey before I go to bed. The Wolves game hadn't finished yet, just unde a minute to go.


That minute took four. I kid you not. Furthermore, there was 0.0 on the game clock and the ref called a timeout because nobody touched the ball to officially end the game. And they took a commerical break. They took a commercial break with 0.0 left on the clock! I just died a little inside, as I think I've discovered the 2nd sign of the apocalypse. The other having been spotted earlier this year.


To make a long story short, I wouldn't worry to much about your New Years resolution.


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My New Year's Resolution is to watch more anime. It's been going OK, but I'm trying to up it. (It also didn't help that my friend didn't let me borrow a whole series for Easter Break.)


But yay for apocalypse!



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Anime? Hmm...I'm guessing you've already been told to watch Fullmetal Alchemist.


I'll also recommend Betterman, Dual!, Ronin Warriors...

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Anime? Hmm...I'm guessing you've already been told to watch Fullmetal Alchemist.


I'll also recommend Betterman, Dual!, Ronin Warriors...

You don't read my blog anymore? :unsure: :( :o

Because I've had quite a lot of cool anime entries, all compiled under an "Anime" category....


Yes, I'm working with FMA, but I don't watch much online so I'll be borrowing that rom a friend hopefully. More on what I want to watch in you-know-where.


I haven't heard of those other things you mentioned. (Sorry)



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