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This Week (well, Last Week), And Other Stuff

The Fallen Amph


Hey, I've been meaning to post this since Friday (been busy and distracted). It's just a little review of what happened last week, what will happened this week, and other stuff. :P


Well, my plan for the week was to lay low, observe, and see what would happen. (And you all know what I'm talking about, right?). Nothing really spectacular happened. But, I noticed that when I pass her lining up area to meet my best friend Andrew (Who's the only one who's supported me in this thing) and she's there, I glance over for about a half a second and, almost always, see her turned to look at me...really.

The only thing that really happened was that we had Strings together on Tuesday and I almost ran into her. I walked right in front of her (which was rude, I know) but I didn't know who she was until it was too late.

Also, my BIG Strings concert is on this Tuesday (We get to play with the Middle and High schoolers =D), and I think she'll be there, I don't know, Andrew might know (hence he's in her Strings class).

So, nothing really happened. My idea for that week was to just sit at the jungle-gym-thing (where she hangs out) and see what would happen, but I couldn't because of being hauled away by friends. >< But, that's is my plan for this week. I'm devoting my whole week to tackling this problem. So, no "play-y-play-y" with friends (they'll understand...Or at least Andrew will).


And now onto a COMPLETELY different topic, on Friday I bought the Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight CD, and Shadows in the Sky (So I can write my script for MASK OF LIFE-Legacy) at Barnes 'n Noble. And I made another stop-motion. =D


At least she's shown no signs of hating me...


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It's too bad because a couple songs on that are explicit. Linkin Park didn't used to be so, I wonder why they started. And I actually like Shadow of the Day... I might get it because actually it's not explicit... but a couple other are. It's a shame. Anyhow, it sounds like you might be getting better at this whole thing. At least your friend is loyal to you.

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May I be brutally honest? (say yes)


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Andrew may like her.


Just a theory. He'll never tell you, though, so don't try asking.

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May I be brutally honest? (say yes)


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Andrew may like her.


Just a theory. He'll never tell you, though, so don't try asking.


He doesn't. I've asked. :P He thinks she's ugly. And he's always telling the truth about things too.

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Almost completely unrelated to this situation, I just got The Saga Begins by Weird Al. It's so accurate and awesome. :D And Yoda, same artist. Pretty cool stuff.



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