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Prize-winning Idea

Wrinkledlion X


Okay, everyone, you are about to be shocked by the incredibly boundless magnitude and sheer genius of my analytical mind. Never in the history of mankind has a thought as great as this thought been thought; Not by Einstein, not by Newton, not by Bonesiii- None! I am utterly alone in my ability to comprehend such wonders of science and mechanical skill!


The patterns that run through my mind are unlike the weak patterns of other humans! They are the perfect balance between logic and fantastical thought; They walk the edge between possibility and impossibility that forms the narrow razor of plausibility...


Now consider the following possibility! What wonders may it bring to mankind? Think- No, imagine!- How it could help the state of the world? The state of the people?!


Consider: Chocolate oatmeal.


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Well, that was anticlimactic.


I've been putting together mixtures that other people think (or would think) are crazy. Of course, I've also made some good ones. ^_^


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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Well duh.


Get some Coco Rice Krispies, pile high over amount of milk, let it sit, cover it and put in microwave.*


*Production of this may or may not kill you.



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....um. yeah. I came up with my own a few years ago. Just pour chocolate syrup into your regular bowl of oatmeal, stir, and you're good to go.

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Dude, that was awesome. The first part was epic... if you could have followed through with a... better idea, this would be a prize-winning blog entry.

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Dude, that was awesome. The first part was epic... if you could have followed through with a... better idea, this would be a prize-winning blog entry.

Just to annoy you, I approve this blog. :P


No, I don't have a picture. <_<

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