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Update 3/26/2008



::Finally,it's starting to feel like Spring :happydance: !For the past several days it has been cold and rainy,but today it's warm!I might just go out and play later on!Why am I using so many exclamation marks?!


::Yesterday I got Star Wars:Republic Commando for PC.I think it's really fun,but really hard.I like the multiplayer on it,even though I'm terrible at it.How bad am I?Lets just say,I didn't last 10 seconds (No,seriously.I was killed in 10 seconds flat).


::Easter for me was great!I got lots of candy,I got a good lunch (and dessert).In fact,I have my tub of candy right here beside me in case I get-<Stuffs face with candy> Hungry.


::My arm and eye don't hurt anymore.I'm pretty sure the culprit for the pains were either playing football outback with my brother,or Ikea.


::I tried the Tanma game.This is by far the hardest of the games.I got right at the end,the Tanma dot was practically on the Ignika logo,and I crashed!I can't remember how exactly,but i think I tried dodging a Makuta,and smashed into the ground.


That's it for this update.I got to go eat more cand-I mean....uhhh....go do my chores!Yeah that's it,Go do my chores.Which certainly doesn't mean eating candy..heh,heh,Okay I'm going.


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