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Temporary Designation.



For the blog.


Since Enterprise-E is so much better than Enterprise.


Star Trek fans should know what I'm talking about.


No offense, EO'D




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And they won't know which Enterprise mine is named after unless they know stuff about WWII and the war in the Pacific. In other words, I beat you to the blog name, except mine is named after something real. =D

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I figured you mean the seacraft by your blog subtitle, but I wanted to have a little fun anyway.


However, what about the original Enterprise; the HMS Enterprise, commissioned in 1705?



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i'm not a Star-Trek fan.. but i know what you mean..


anyway, nice new blog name..

Thanks! Even though it's only temporary. :P



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No, no no. The Enterprise starships started looking too techy starting with NCC 1701-B, IMO.


I like the old-fashioned look of the original and maybe even A.

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No, no no. The Enterprise starships started looking too techy starting with NCC 1701-B, IMO.


I like the old-fashioned look of the original and maybe even A.

Ugh! Pulse Phasers, Type II Photon Torpedoes, Type A (and B) Navigational Deflector, and Class V Shields for the fail. Not to mention Enterprise and Enterprise-A were only about 290 meters long. Very easy to destroy.


Class X Phasers, Type XVI Photon Torpedoes, Type VIII Quantum Torpedoes, Type J Navigational Deflector, and Class XX Metaphasic Shields for the win. Much more intimidating. ^_^


USS Enterprise-E for the win.





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Sure, Enterprise-E would win in a battle, but that's because E is that much newer. It'd be like pitching an 18th-century pirate ship up to a modern aircraft carrier. The wooden vessels were formidable in their own time.


Also, the bigger the ship, the bigger target to hit.

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Sure, Enterprise-E would win in a battle, but that's because E is that much newer. It'd be like pitching an 18th-century pirate ship up to a modern aircraft carrier. The wooden vessels were formidable in their own time.


Also, the bigger the ship, the bigger target to hit.

Yeah, I suppose, but I still like Enterprise-E better.


The bigger targets just have more shields and armor, but almost all the firing is done by computer, so unless you're in a small shuttle, any phaser shot or torpedo launched is gonna hit you.



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