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Makuta Appreciation...

Raging Land Squid


Vamprah FTW...


At one time, I had hated Vamprah as a set. I appreciated cirtain aspects of him, though. The fact that he actually looks like a bat, for one. I think what I hadn't liked about him was what I didn't like about all the 08 Winter Makuta: That grey piece on his back that the matoran connect to. His lack of feets also bothered me, though, in a style point of view, I find it genius, because it makes him unique. The lack of tails on the Makuta also bothered me...


I have had a change of heart today on Vamprah, though, after my mom purchased him for me (Which is odd, cause she never buys me LEGO Bricks anymore, seeing as I'm 20 and have a job, but pay was rather slim recently, and I guess she felt bad, or something... My mom's great, though. Always been very supportive of me and my hobbies). I ADORE this set. For the following reasons:


1. Though I had stated that I didn't much like his lack of actual feets, and liked the design aspect non the less, my adoration of the design made up for hatred of feets lacking.


2. His mask is rather versitile, IMHO. I can finally build that werewolf MoC I've been wanting to make... If I ever dismantle Vamrah, that is...


3. It's pretty easy to remove the grey connector piece and replace it with a visorak foot to make a tail, thus solving another problem I had with the 08 Phankuta...


4. His wings actually look like bat wings wen unfurled. He is the best Makuta in terms of actually looking like a bat.


5. I was never really a fan of Blue villian sets until Takadox (Big bugs FTW), and Vamprah has increased my liking of blue villians.


I honestly believe, and this is my opinion only, that Vamprah is probably the best villian set ever to grace the shelves at the $9.98USD price range.




At lest until Krika hits the shelves...


If any of this makes sense to you, you get a cookie... A bloody cookie made of human flesh... Mmm... Flesh cookie...


I still dislike Antroz and Chirox, though...


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