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>need Help, Now<

The Fallen Amph


To all my friends who have been helping me in this girl situation,


To let you guys know, I'm getting better with the 'talking-to' thing. :) But, my only problem is, what do I say? I'm mean a random "Hi" to everyone is a little wierd...I mean, if she was alone I would certainly get into a conversation, but what is there to talk about and how do I make myself not look like a complete moron?

And, another thing is, I have no idea what she wants. I know she wants something from me. She could absolutly hate me or like me. These things are soooooooooo confusing. (>.<)


So please if you can help me in this possibly final problem.


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I got some of those conversation starters that work in public view. Though someone more experienced will probably tell you otherwise. :mellow:
  • Weather
  • favorite foods
  • favorite beverages
  • favorite restaurants
  • sports
  • music [favorite kinds, favorite artists, favorite songs]
  • TV shows
  • movies
  • traveling [farthest you've gone from home, places you used to live, favorite place to visit, place you'd like to live, place you'd like to visit]
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Just talk about life in general. It isn't hard. You two should only start off as friends, man. Not trying to get the girl. Thing is, she probably doesn't know you from talking to you, so come up to her as if you were friends. If you must, state it. It'll make her more comfortable. Have her find you interesting. It isn't hard.



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Oi, Amph, how long's it been, a month?


Well, here's an idea. This may take awhile. Get to better know one of her friends, or someone in the crowd around her and such. Then get to know another person. Eventually you will become part of the group, then just approach her and talk to her.


Or, have someone hit you in her direction. When she asks you if you're okay, reply yes and change the subject. Get in a nice conversation, and let your feelings out. Perhaps she too just wants everyone to go away and is somewhat unpleased at your indesicision.

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Oi, Amph, how long's it been, a month?


Well, here's an idea. This may take awhile. Get to better know one of her friends, or someone in the crowd around her and such. Then get to know another person. Eventually you will become part of the group, then just approach her and talk to her.


Or, have someone hit you in her direction. When she asks you if you're okay, reply yes and change the subject. Get in a nice conversation, and let your feelings out. Perhaps she too just wants everyone to go away and is somewhat unpleased at your indesicision.


Your comment best fits my situation. :P I, in fact, do know one of her friends (she sits next to me in my homeroom). Ever since she found ou I like her friend (which was when I wrote that note) we've become...ehhh...not really friends...well, we used to hate each other...


I would do that suggestion...but she might ignore it (70% chance). And also, from the last time I heard (but it's probably changed by now), my friend told me that she's going to stay mad at me until I talk to her...which I have been TRYING to do...

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She used to hate you? Wow, you've come a long way.


Yeah, probably, but there is just one thing I wish I knew how I could do (Bleh, bleh, bleh bleh :P) which is show her one of my films. (Every single person I shown those tro are like,"Holy *bleep*, these are freaking awsome!"). It would probably be either Optimus vs. Bonecrusher, Blackout Attacks, Decepticons Mobalize, or Brawl vs, the Autobots (Because everyone's seen Transformers...so it would make sense)...*sigh* if only...

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My advice on the movie thing: e-mail her a link. If you have her e-mail.


Oh, and I know the feeling of most girls hating you. Happens to me, except for.........oh wait, no one. Well, two girls.



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MAKE TIME. Don't worry about anybody else. If you pass her in the hall at all, talk to her. That's all there is to it. She'll want to like you for who you are, not because you rehearsed lines.



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MAKE TIME. Don't worry about anybody else. If you pass her in the hall at all, talk to her. That's all there is to it. She'll want to like you for who you are, not because you rehearsed lines.




Well, I don't have time in halls...I've been waiting for that moment where she's alone and just say "hey" and get into conversation that way...

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How much time do you have between classes? Sometimes all it takes is to just say a few words. As long as you talk to her, I don't really think it matters how long. Just a few sentences should be enough. Then you can have a conversation later on in the day.



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Don't try to start conversations. Let them occur naturally. Just a few small (I said small) conversations a day to start off with. Then, try to meet her sometime and say like "Oh... hey..." and have a small (remember, I said small) conversation. In time, you will become good friends. From there, it will be alot easier to take it to the next step. *Winks*.


But then there's the biggest problem:


She has to like you.


If she doesn't, you could use the above method to start growing a relationship, but if she just doesn't like you in general, it might stirr up a few problems.


Trust me Amph, trust me.



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