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Disturbing Behavior




T-Hybrid hasn't been himself lately. His usual guest writer has taken it upon himself to submit today's entry.

I wasn't worried when T moved out of the Haven. He promised the place would still be bouncin' and that I'd always have work. But he's coming up on his one year anny at work and they've figured out that he's gotten a heckuva lot better at what he does. So there's more work, more pressure, and less time overall. I think he's just drained at the moment.

I overheard him tellin the family about his first official review and that it went well enough that he got a raise. The next review could bring a promotion, but that's not for another year or so. Way away from now.

But lately he gets back from work exhausted and just crashes in front of the TV for the night. Dunno if he's just in a creative funk or what's the deal. Frankly I'm kinda worried. He don't go out much these days, and he's gotten sucked into Wikipedia. He was muttering somethin about null edits and "NPOV"....whatever that means.

I'm thinkin if this keeps up he's gonna turn into one of those weird cat people. You know, the kind that keeps waaaaay too many cats in their apartments and gives them people names like "Bob" or "Steve". He's allergic and all...at least he said he was...but I'm not too sure anymore. He was over at a Target the other day and I swear I saw him cheatin a glance at litterbox prices.


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