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Dalek's Store Of Mln

Metallic O'Dalek


Stuff shall be improved as I gain ranks through the help of anyone who actually uses this store.


Rules: All rquests will be made in this entry.

All clicks will be given to either or both of my hive modules or my Tree module.

First come, first serve.

All deals are click first, send after.






Apples - 1 click each

Strawberries - 2 clicks each

Worker Bees - 5 clicks each

Better Bees - 6 clicks each

Best Bees - 7 clicks each

Potted Plants - 5 clicks each

Mason Jars - two clicks each

Apple Pie - 10 clicks each

Apple Butter - 5 clicks each

Honey Pie - 15 clicks each

Red flowers - 2 clicks each



And that's all I can do at my current rank. Yeah, I know it sucks compared to some of the others...

Did I mention that all cliks will go towards making the store better? =D


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