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The title has nothing to do with the entry except that it is on education.


As some of you might have guessed, I'm pretty advanced in math (for a two-year-old). Most people my age are doing Algebra or pre-Algebra (see, for two-year-olds, everyone here is advanced). Yes I have completed Algebra and Geometry and began Algebra II/2/Two/41/2 this year. My spelling is...somewhere up where it should be, perhaps a little ahead. Vocabulary could be better.


But this entry is mainly about my sciences. Most of what I know comes from hobby research (yes, it's odd; get over it). The Biology I'm taking this year isn't the best book, IMO. It's broad, a very short course, and actually doesn't have much contained within itself. A lot of projects involve reading "2-3 books on the subject". I'm just not learning from it. My girlfriend (one grade below me; 333 days younger) often quizzes me on such things, and I have to say "I have no idea. I told you my book wasn't good"


Onto part two of the entry before we wrap it all up and combine it. I absolutely love talking and socializing. You wouldn't expect the shy kid, who (according to some people that somehow know me but I wasn't aware of their existence :rolleyes: ) "never talks", would love being around people so much. Perhaps I've changed. I know the "live life for now" and "death cometh to those who wait" attitudes are recent changes.


I found myself saying to myself today: "Nukes, if you didn't have rides home after track practise you would probably stay here at the school until everyone was gone or they kicked you out." I suppose that was mostly because I was talking to some cool people today for a few minutes while two of us waited for our ride (being the other's step-father and father of the 1-year-old we babysit during the week).


I bet at least one reader (if there is one?) has figured the conclusion out by now. When I told my mom that I wanted to do more at the school next year, she suggested going there full time. It'd have to be slightly adjusted for math, but I think in general it would be a good experience. I thought about it earlier this year, actually, but when I thought about talking to my mom about it my relationship with my girlfriend had just started, so I was afraid she'd credit my wanting to go there to that. >.<


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