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Run Out Of Gas



Today was my school's mock track meet, in preparation for the meet on next Friday (Apr. 11). We were required to do all but three of the aevents. It's a nice opportunity to try all the events and see from experience what you are good at. I spotted a few team-mates who ought to switch over to longer distances.


I personally did not think I would be able to get an 8 minute mile (actually, 1600 metres), which would be bad. We had to run that pace for a mile on Tuesday, and I only made it to 1200 metres (3 laps; 6 minutes of it). Partially because I was tired, partially because of my nasty problems. They're all linked back to a tight/sensitive plantar fascia (that tendon running from the foot up the leg).


So I was quite happy to run it in 06:48 (That's about 4.72222 milidays. :P )


One thing I like about track opposed to cross-country is the fact that you know the distances and where you are. You can check your personal watch and think "I need to pick it up" or "I started way to fast; slow down, me". I absolutely hate running around in boring circles around a boring football field located at a boring school in a boring town. Well maybe not a boring town. But anyway, running around actual places is much more entertaining.


So now that I ran 1600, 100, 200, and 800 (hate that distance), my legs are basically trashed from the knees down. With two half-hour runs to complete this weekend, I think I'll end up taking the bike. Perhaps one of my teammates *cough*girlfriend*cough* can do so with me. If she gets her bike tires pumped up. Anyway, that was m'day.


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The farthest I used to go after half a summer of running was half a mile. :P


Hopefully changing that stamina rate this year...



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