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I Would...



Upload a photo of this awesome smoothie I made (Delicious too) but MAJ is down!


Oh and you photobucketers....I WILL NOT GET A DIFFERENT HOST. Thanks. ;D




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I use the Photo and the Bucket. It is the Cool and the Awesome and doesn't the Die like the Maj and the Brick and the Shelf.






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Ripway is my favourite host. You can upload any type of file and it's quite fast, although it does have a bit of a restriction on the account size. (Although I haven't breached the limit except that one time I tried to upload all my photos so I didn't have to store them on my comp)


What do you put in your smoothies?

I haven't really found a recipe that I like. I usually just add milk and ice cream and yogurt of the same flavour of the fruit I add, but those ingredients kind of are what constitutes a milkshake. Bringing me back to my lack of a smoothie recipe.


But seriously switch to anything besides Maj, the site is slow and it's folder set up is awful.

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lol. YEah Andrew, I know you use ripway. I'm not switching my host though ;D


Oh my Smoothies? The one I particularly like is the Banana Berry Smoothie ;D Lessee...


3/4 c. Orange juice

1/3 c. Pineapple juice

1 c. plain yogurt

1/2 c. Frozen or Fresh Strawberries (I usually make it 3/4, it tastes better that way)

1 c. frozen blueberries

1 small ripe banana


stick it all in the blender 'till it is smooth, and purple :) Also, it may need chilling depending on how cold your ingredients are.



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