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Whoever Donates Tuxes To Goodwill...



I... love... you...


Okay, so my mom and I went up to Goodwill today to see if we could find anything that she could make a costume out of. We, to our surprise, saw a very nice tux (pants and jacket) for $10. my mom is going to do a few alterations to the suit to make it look more Victorian "Age'd". We found a vest too (very similar to what men would have worn back in the 1800's). We also found material that she can make an ascot out of, and some other material to make a leather cover for my shoe... although, I'm still not sure of what she's thinking about.


I've found everything I need for the costume, but one thing is still necessary: a cane. I want a cane for myself (I'll be needing one anyway after my surgery in a few months, I'll go into more detail later) and because Andrew Jackson is known as "Old Hickory" and also known for beating his would-be assassin with the cane he had. Anyone know where I can find a good hickory cane that would look like it would have been used in the 1800's? :P


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