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Mocc #1: Dystopia!





Set sizes have been going down while prices have been hiking. It started with the Matoran. They were nearly the height and nearly the cost of the Toa Mata, but they only had 14 pieces! (Okay, Radiak had 16, but you get the point.) Then we had a fully-priced ($14.99) demi-titan that was merely a Makuta packaged with a Matoran, however cool he was. This summer, we have Krika, one of the tallest sets yet but containing only 40 pieces! Scary.


In this contest, you must build a canister-type set containing 30 or fewer pieces and standing over 7" tall. (If you want centimeters, please flip over your ruler.) You must include a picture of the model, a picture of the model's height in comparison to a ruler and the pieces you used in your model.


Here is an example format.










1: Your MOC must be under 30 pieces and over 7" high.

2: This must be something you would expect LEGO to make. Originality must not stand in your way, so no axle figures and so.

3: You must include every piece you used in the third shot. Anyone who breaks this rule WILL BE DISQUALIFIED.

4: Non-LEGO parts, painted parts and cut parts are not allowed.

5: Your entry must be in by May 25, 2008 at 12:00 PM PST.

5: Your prize will be a member shrine in your honor and an art request of your choice. (Specify B&W or color.)


Thanks for your patiemce... or not.


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