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Cat Ewwness



she went all over the house last night, so we locked her in the boys' bedroom (I'm just thankful she didn't leave anything in my room!! We cleaned everything up, got out the carpet cleaner, scrubbed, carpet cleaned, moved furniture, and then we took the cat into a deep deep laundry bin (So she can't climb out) and took her out to the garage, where she has threw-up, and left little things behind all over there...At least it's not the nice carpet in the house....anyways, she'll be in there a few more nights probably.


-is cat free and very happy that she will not have to deal with nasty allergies!!!-




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But, seriously... Nice job. =P We were eating dinner, and my cat fired a projectile vomit *thank the gods* into the garbage bin.

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Poor cat...


I'm sorry about this. I realize how sickening it all must be.


This one cat of mine has the tendency to forget where the litterbox is, and... you get the idea. Usually, she only does it at night, but not always. So I kinda understand.


I wish I knew something I could say to make it seem a bit less severe. Honestly, I really wish I could help in some way...


It will get better soon, somehow. Really, animals generally have stronger immune systems, anyway.






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