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Or rather, the illusion of freedom.


Also, here's what I've got assembled right now MOCwise.


Oh, and about those kissing scenes? The ones in that play whose script is lurking beneath my license? Resistance was futile. Go ahead and scream.


Also, I think I'd like to buy this Portal game I keep hearing about. Any thoughts on that?


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For computer, too. And while you're at it, get a good mouse. You CAN'T play this game with a touchpad. That's assuming you're on laptop.

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Please warn me to stay away from roads when you're driving. :)


Resistance was futile? Arm yourself and barricade your room.


55555.gif 55555 55555.gif

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I like the little roachy thing you made in pic two... the ussal is also sweet.

I've been thinking about getting Portal for my 360... the problem is I'd get the other two games in Orange Box, and I'm not interested in those.

(really Bunda)

Edit: You can return those extra approval stickers.
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You like little crab creatures enough to destroy Jaller? Me too; Jaller isn't very good.


Oh, and congrats on the license.

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For computer, too. And while you're at it, get a good mouse. You CAN'T play this game with a touchpad. That's assuming you're on laptop.

Oh yes, most certainly for de compooter. We don't have any video gaming systems.

Nice, just be sure you can afford insurance, gas and car parts.

That's why I'm not buying my own car until after college. ~_o

I like the little roachy thing you made in pic two... the ussal is also sweet.


I've been thinking about getting Portal for my 360... the problem is I'd get the other two games in Orange Box, and I'm not interested in those.



(really Bunda)


Edit: You can return those extra approval stickers.

But it's out by itself now...

Happiness. I still have three years >_<.


The Voice of the Prairie? never heard of it.




Nor had I, until I got The Call.

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Ha, that's not a real license! That's a fakie that'll expire in a few months time. (Hopefully after they send you your real one)


*Fears safety on roads now*



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