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Powerpoint Face Blog Contest -- Design A Bionicle Face Using My Guide!




The above is the fullsize version of adult version of a Flame -- the first place winning entry in my last blog contest, where members entered descriptions of would-be Pet Peeves, and I designed the images in Powerpoint as the prizes.

That's exactly what this contest is NOT. :P

This time around, you guys get the job of artist. Design a Bionicle style face using the methods I outlined in this two-part guide:

Powerpoint Art Guides:
Vector Art In Powerpoint: Quality, Inexpensive, Easy
Coolifying With Powerpoint Vector Art

I'll pick winning entries (and listen to any endorsements you guys make of other enterers). No set number of winners -- will depend on how many entries there are -- and you can enter up to three different faces. Only winning face per member. Winners will get BZPower-uploaded avatars made from their winning face!

These can be masks, or just faces. Heads underneath masks, whatever you want.


For those few who don't have Powerpoint but want to participate, there is a free trial of Office (including Powerpoint) available here. :) Haven't tried it but hopefully there's a Mac version too...


Contest starts now and entry period ends on Thursday, May 15, probably at midnight. :)


1) Design a Bionicle-style face in Powerpoint that could look good as an avatar.
2) Screenshot the face you've created (it can be a largish, zoomed in pic as long as it's not screen-stretching. Don't worry about making the pic small enough for av-size, I'll handle that, but you might want to watch how detailed it gets, keeping in mind much small detail won't show up in an avatar).
[EDIT: BTW, keep the Powerpoint file handy, because I might need to ask the winners to email me the actual .ppt document. I can see that sizing some of the entries so far down will mess up the pixelizations of the black lines. Also, making sure the lines are thick in the big images you give me would help too.]
3) Upload the image to an image hosting site.
4) Post the image here.
5) If you want you can describe anything about it you want, though try to keep it kinda short.


1) Each member can enter up to three faces.
2) Only one of the three can be a winning pic (you can say which you like best yourself).
3) You can recommend others' entries for winning, and I will take it into consideration.
4) Winners ultimately picked by me.
5) Number of winners is not set in stone.

TIP: If you can find tricks/methods I didn't include in my guides, I'm a lot more likely to be impressed. :P (But it's not necessary to win.)


I will showcase the winners in a blog entry to be permanently linked to in the important entries list here, and showcase the top three winners in a permanent blog sidebar here.

But even better, an avatar version of your image will be uploaded to the BZPower image archive by Black Six, and the link provided to you via PM -- giving you an avatar free of offline hosting sites. If BZPower's server is running for people to view your av, they'll be able to. :)


Have fun! :P


Recommended Comments

Eh, late entries...


Pakari Nuva. One of my better Nuva masks I made a while back.

Enemy Mask 1. A mask I used to practice with the shading features. I'm going to use it in my epic, me thinks.

Enemy Mask 2. Just an interesting design I came up with. I'll probably use this in my epic too.


Not the best masks here, but I guess I prefer to keep things basic, even if they look less realistic or 3D-ified.


Excellent contest idea, Bones.



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Unknown Krana, I dunno what it's powers are.

The Mask of Alternate Paths, not to be confused with the Olisi.

For instance, you come up to a fork in the road, and you don't know which way to go. Just activate the mask, and you can see what will become of your decision in the near future. You find that one way you'll walk into fog and plunge off a cliff and find yourself in a swamp full of angry Makika toads, and the other way goes to the Matoran village.
It is flawed in one aspect however: it can only see a limited way into the future. It may be that if you fell in the swamp, you would defeat the toads and find a cache of Kanohi, so in the end it's a better choice. Making decision while using this mask can be very tricky, and full of regret.

Note the Happy/Sad face, modeled after the theater faces. The idea for this mask came from my longing for a mask like this in the story, and perhaps I will include it in one of my fanfics.


Yeah, I know these suck, and I wasn't able to complete mask three, (or one or two) but this contest got me interested in powerpoint, and I hope to continue using it.

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Well, it looks like I won't have the time to enter after all, my schedual is pretty full.

Good luck to everyone! Those are some great masks you have. :)


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