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Oi Brigade Signup Entry



Here you can sign up for the Oi Brigade. They protect the Heart, get Lair Points up the Heezay, and most importantly, KICK ELLIPSE TAIL!





Egotistical O' Dalek

~Laughin' Man~

////Dalek Paan////

King Dedede







BrassEXE Toa of Gold



Just tell me if you wanna join.


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Squid army: ok.... we shall help!!

Barrahkshi: they both took wat I waz goin to say >:(

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Sure, I'll sign up. Only if I can use excessive force in all of my battles if I feel like it. :P



The more excessive force the better.



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Good. Also, can I use depleted uranium rounds in my rifle? They won't cause a catastrophic explosion every time I fire it but they are just very dense bullets with lots of penetration. Perfect for shooting at Ellipses while they hide in their space ships and fortifications. :evilgrin:



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Good. Also, can I use depleted uranium rounds in my rifle? They won't cause a catastrophic explosion every time I fire it but they are just very dense bullets with lots of penetration. Perfect for shooting at Ellipses while they hide in their space ships and fortifications. :evilgrin:




I have just learned that Elipses' ships do indeed have MAXIMUM SECURITY and HIGH PROTECTION. Those kind of attacks would be uselss, unless we could launch the bullets at 7000 Horse Power, which would knock the Elipses right through the windows without even damaging the ship. We could then infiltrate and take the ship for ourselves and where our handy Elipse disguises! No one will notice a thing!

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My squid army can battle the ellipses too, right?(yea, their back from vacation)



Yes but they have friends that are in the army that your trying to destroy. If you can help get thier friends out safe i'll help destroy that base.^_^

I'll send an OBer to pull out those friends, but I don't think you can destroy the whole base by yourself. Join the OB, and you'll have tons of back up.


Agent ShadowBolt, as your first mission, you're charged to get the friends of BrassEXE's maids out of the Ellipson base. Brass, would you be so kind to give Agent SB some names a description, anything he could identify the friends by? Agent SB, if you succesfully complete this mission, you'll get 3000 Lair POints.



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Rohn I could destroy that base by my self but it's to much of a risk...because i'd have to go nova. luckly we just need to get the three friends of my maids out of there...sadly they are elite guards to the Ellipsaurus and are always by him. Thats why i'm going with you guys I'll hold off the Ellipsaurus while you guys get the maids friends out of there.

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can i do a mission?? :D

As soon as one is available...


Rohn I could destroy that base by my self but it's to much of a risk...because i'd have to go nova. luckly we just need to get the three friends of my maids out of there...sadly they are elite guards to the Ellipsaurus and are always by him. Thats why i'm going with you guys I'll hold off the Ellipsaurus while you guys get the maids friends out of there.

Sounds good, you'l have to tell Agent ShadowBolt.



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Good. Also, can I use depleted uranium rounds in my rifle? They won't cause a catastrophic explosion every time I fire it but they are just very dense bullets with lots of penetration. Perfect for shooting at Ellipses while they hide in their space ships and fortifications. :evilgrin:




I have just learned that Elipses' ships do indeed have MAXIMUM SECURITY and HIGH PROTECTION. Those kind of attacks would be uselss, unless we could launch the bullets at 7000 Horse Power, which would knock the Elipses right through the windows without even damaging the ship. We could then infiltrate and take the ship for ourselves and where our handy Elipse disguises! No one will notice a thing!


Fine they won't work on space ships. <.< Well, they'll cause devastation on an unprotected Ellipse at least. :P


Edit: Alright, so someone could send me a PM briefing me on the mission and then I'll go from there.


Edit 2: Hey ~Rohn~, here's your blog approval.





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