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Portal is rated T. Meaning Teen. Which should mean that anyone thirteen and up should be able to buy it, right?


So how come, when I tried to purchase it at my local Wal*Mart, the cashier requested my ID and then said I had to be seventeen or older to buy it? Not sense-making in the least.



Also, our parish priest gets to go and concelebrate Mass with the Pope during his visit. Coolness!


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That title's just there to convince parents that the game isn't gory and that they should buy it for their children right away.


Or something like that.



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According to ESRB's site, Portal is indeed rated Teen. At first I thought they may have changed the ratings (it's happened before), but if that's so, then the site would have been updated. Now, I don't have much experience with purchasing T-rated games, but if you want my two bits, try going to that Wal☆Mart's (Look, a star! :o) customer service and ask them why you have to be 17. And if all else fails, just go to another store. :P



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Can't you only get it in the Orange Box? If so, Half Life 2 (or something) is rated M, and perhaps the third game is too.

(really Bunda)

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I see... well, if you get it, tell me if it's good. I want to get it, but I'm debating now if I should, because I'm not interested in the other games.

I'd get it for PC but ours is old and nasty.

(really Bunda)

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