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-is Scared- :s



Don't you hate it when you met people when you were like 7, and then one of you moves away, but you've still kept in touch, yet you realize that those people are quite creepy? And alot different than you remember because they've changed, and you've changed and now you consider them some of the most annoying people?


I just found out that this family that we knew, has these two boys and apparently one of them wants the other to date me....


I am very very very scared. these kids are very scary, and weird. and quite dorky....they also live in like a different country.


-dies of scariness-




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-ahem- he lives in a different country. And I don't have a problem being mean >:D ...when it comes to little kids & Dating.



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I'm helping this guy in my school figure out how NOT to talk to a girl... and its basically its everything that he's doing...


And he's suicidal...





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-ahem- he lives in a different country. And I don't have a problem being mean >:D ...when it comes to little kids & Dating.



*remembers back to bionickel one and a member that does not currently use the internet*



Anyhow why are you even talking to them?

I just ignore annoying people, and if they are clingy I prove that I can be more annoying until they are scared away.


It's even worse when a girl you grew up with but haven't seen/talked to for approximately 10-12 years asks you to her prom. blink.gif

LOL - I'm quite glad I don't run into situations like that.

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I am very very very scared. these kids are very scary, and weird. and quite dorky....they also live in like a different country.

Why does it matter that they're dorky? If they were (if not already) your age, would you not like either one of them because they're dorky?


I'm dorky, nobody has a problem with me. I'm weird, nobody has a problem with me. I'm scary, nobody has a problem with me.

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Well, explain their dorkiness, please.

Why bother arguing about it? She doesn't like them because she isn't attracted to them.



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