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My Apologies.



Please take this serious. I know some of you are a little annoyed on the issue.


Well, I would like to apologize for my latest BBCC entry Haze Glow. I really let you guys down when I used some of my old designs. I know you were probably expecting something new, and I didn't deliver. It really stings the heart when you don't impress your fellow BZPers. I have to admit too, that I felt a little lame for it. So, I hope you can accept my apology. I promise not to let you down next time.


And with that, I have now made a personal challenge for myself. All new designs from here on out. New waist, arms, legs, and shoulders will now be in production. I really don't want to bore you guys anymore.


So, if you have any suggestions on things, just let me know.


I promise that I won't let you guys down anymore...


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Stop using that lower arm design! :P


Nah, seriously, it's okay to use old designs once in awhile. Sometimes they're the ones that fit and work the best. Balance aesthetics with creativity. Don't be lazy, but don't ruin a good thing just because you're trying to do something AWESOME SUPER NIFTY NEW.

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*Agrees with DV*


Yeah but I don't think you really need to apologize, it looks great!

My only suggestion would have been giving him eyes. (See here)


I'll be reviewing him sometime soon, though probably not 'til after I get back from a school camping trip on friday. :D


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Ok DV. That will be the first thing I do.


What! I had no idea you already had a head like that Zyrox... I'm sorry...

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Apology accepted. Personally I think the entry is fine.


Well, it was Draco's last two statements that really got to me. I just assumed others agreed.


Bad entry picture. Really bad.


Black parts looking white=Bad


Otherwise It looks like all of your MoCs. =/


*isn't impressed, just annoyed that all of BZPower will vote for it*





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Personally I think the entry is fine.

I do too. Personally, I think that if the rest is creative, it's OK to re-use a design or two. Haze Glow certainly looks fine. Don't sweat it. :)



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Ok DV. That will be the first thing I do.


What! I had no idea you already had a head like that Zyrox... I'm sorry...


Oh, 'tis fine. I don't mind, though it really could benefit with eyes though.

Take an exo robot hand, flip the pridak foot upside-down, then stick the hand's peg through the hole on the front of the foot, position it, flip back over, and add bohrok eyes. It takes a while for hands to actually stay, and the bohrok eyes sometimes fall out, but I believe it makes it look better with eyes, even if it probably is blind. (that is if you used white or black...)



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hay you didnt let us down i know as much as anyone how hard it can be to do good effective and new designs for every moc you make i actually liked it though

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