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That Feeling



Someone (or something) was watching me last night. Other people don't believe me, and I admit I could have been paranoid. I was alone (not even IM conversations) in the basement at 23:00 listening to Linkin Park, which would result in some mental arousal and paranoia, but I don't think that's all of it. Whether my observers meant to or not, someone was watching - or maybe contacting - me.


Now, going a little astray here, I come to the human mental powers. Psi-onics, we say. Things like telekinesis, telepathy, scrying, or the sense that someone is watching you. Things that most people call supernatural. My theory is that these are all human abilities. They have just been diluted by the physical restrictions placed on us known as the...body.


Some people still develop these abilities while restricted by our earthly (as in, this universe; obviously not just the planet) forms. I dabbed a little into telepathy and telekinesis last year (maybe two years ago), before I was scared out of the practise by...certain things. I won't go into that here.


Anyway, thoughts on "supernatural" human abilities?


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I personally find the subject quite interesting. Though I can't say I experience telepathy, I do tend to sense things on occasion, usually just a presence. I sometimes get thoughts such as "look behind you", but I never actually see anything.


On a different note, I recently wrote a major paper on sleep. I was reading about sleep paralysis, in which some people tend to sense a presense, usually evil, and just out of sight. There is also sometimes a crushing feeling on the chest, and although it is rare, it sounds like some people actually see something above them. I personally found this very interesting.

My two widgets. I do find it intriguing. :)


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Actually, a feeling of being watched can often come from high-voltage things, such as uninsulated electronics, computers, and the like, because of the electrolytes and such in out bodies. Generally, when someone is near, you can "feel" them being there because of how certain parts of the body(the brain especially) send and receive electronic signals. And this often messes with ones brain and stuff as well, due to all the "interference".


Just thought I'd tell you...


And really, I've had the same thing happen to me multiple times in the past. I think I'd I know it's not "paranormal activity", at least not most of the time.






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They're probably possible, but I won't go there. An awful lot like witchcraft it seems to me.

Probably some sort of spirit watching you. That happens sometimes.


Or it could have been a cat.



(really Bunda)

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It sounds quite fascinating... I would be quite interested in researching the matter. As with all such things, I can't believe in them without seeing or experiencing them, but that's not to say I actively disbelieve in them...


I think it would be quite cool if such things were possible.

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Well, someone I know has had an encounter with ghosts...


And if I think at people hard enough, I can usually get them to stop reading over my shoulder. :P



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I know that feeling, it happened to me a few nights ago while I was laying awake at one in the morning. It was creepy. But, yeah. I think it's possible, though I prefer the thing -Taipu- mentioned about spirits, from what I've seen. Ever been awake or falling asleep and suddenly gotten this weird dizzy feeling? I have, and it's freaky.

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I know that feeling, it happened to me a few nights ago while I was laying awake at one in the morning. It was creepy. But, yeah. I think it's possible, though I prefer the thing -Taipu- mentioned about spirits, from what I've seen. Ever been awake or falling asleep and suddenly gotten this weird dizzy feeling? I have, and it's freaky.

I've gotten that feeling... falling asleep, and suddenly you feel like you're falling? Strange yes, but I'm pretty sure it's just a bizarre natural occurance. I neve blamed it on spirits, for one.



(really Bunda)

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I know that feeling, it happened to me a few nights ago while I was laying awake at one in the morning. It was creepy. But, yeah. I think it's possible, though I prefer the thing -Taipu- mentioned about spirits, from what I've seen. Ever been awake or falling asleep and suddenly gotten this weird dizzy feeling? I have, and it's freaky.

I've gotten that feeling... falling asleep, and suddenly you feel like you're falling? Strange yes, but I'm pretty sure it's just a bizarre natural occurance. I neve blamed it on spirits, for one.



(really Bunda)

That happens to me regularly, but I never get used to it. I'll be nanoseconds away from sleep, then it feels like I just fell 6 feet onto my bed. Strange feeling. I like it. :)


On the 'supernatural' abilities, I believe that they exist, but are unaccesable by the human body. I believe that these 'powers' exist in all creatures. I.E., cats. Sometimes they seem to just teleport places. They could possibly have a natural acces to teleport-esque powers. I want to say that somewhere I read that scientists have found out that only 10% of the human brain can be used. The other 90% is unaccesable. It is plausible that these 'powers' could be part of the 90%, that we as humans, can't access on our own, if at all.


So yeah, I believe that 'supernatural' powers exist. They just currently can't be used by humans.




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