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Why Are They Hurting Me?



The Kanohi Dragon didn't know what was happening. The last thing it remembered was three Skakdi freeing him from a cave and transporting him to the surface of a black ocean.


Then he found himself in a strange city, which somehow seemed familiar. He turned to the shore to thank that three Skakdi for freeing him, but they had vanished.


Ah well, if I ever see them again I should give them a proper thank you, thought the Dragon. He turned his thoughts to a passing villager, who the Dragon recognized as a "Matoran." The Matoran stopped in his tracks upon sight of the Dragon, dropping his packages.


The Dragon started to lumber toward the Matoran, hoping to make a new friend. The Matoran shrieked in terror and ran off into the city. The Dragon stopped and frowned.


"What's wrong?" he asked, wondering why the Matoran had run. Then he remembered that he could not speak Matoran, so that his words came out as a short, low, growl.


A bolt of ice shot out of nowhere, striking the Dragon squarely on his back. The Dragon looked up in the sky, wondering who would want to hurt him.


He found his answer quickly: eleven Toa, 3 of whom were floating on some kind of levitating board, had surrounded him. One of the floating Toa, a red and gold one, was shouting and yelling in Matoran so that the Dragon couldn't understand.


A horrible ringing noise began to resound throughout the Dragon's head. He noticed that a teal Toa had his arm raised, pointed at the Dragon. He turned himself toward the Toa, wanting to ask him to stop. As he turned his tail knocked three of the Toa to the ground.


"Please stop!" said the Dragon, hoping to get through to the teal Toa. It came out as a long, steady roar. The Toa backed up, dropping his hand to his side. The ringing ceased. The Dragon was pleased.


"Thank you!" roared the Dragon happily. He started to trudge into the heart of the city, eager to explore. He could here the red Toa shouting in the Matoran language behind him. The Dragon ignored it.


A blast of something hot struck the Dragon in the back. The Dragon usually like heat, in fact he loved it, but this substance wasn't just hot- it seemed to burn deep down into his armor. The Dragon hurried his pace, trying to get away from the Toa. Why are they hurting me? I just want to make friends!


The Dragon didn't watch where he was going and accidentally crashed into a building. This happened several times. The hot substance was still burning the Dragon.



The Kanohi Dragon eventually found sanctuary in a large, rectangular building that contained a blazing hot furnace. Since he had lost the Toa, the burning in his back had stopped.


The Dragon was just dozing off to sleep when a most uncomfortable sensation came over him. The fires in the furnace ceased to burn. An freezing cold substance started to cover the Dragon. He tried to shake it off, but it seemed to restrict his movements.


The ice was now covering most of the Dragon's body, so that he couldn't move his head, body or legs. Darkness started to close in on him, as he started to feel faint. The last thing his saw was the red Toa, standing behind four white Toa.


Why are they doing this? What have I done to them?





The Kanohi Dragon awoke from his ages long sleep, feeling very refreshed. He found himself in another city, much like the other, but this one was full of smoke, smog, and tall black creatures.


He noticed a large green beast standing opposite of himself. He recognized it as Tahtorak, an old friend.


"Tahtorak! How good to see you!" said the Dragon. Tahtorak smiled.


"As it is to see you, Dragon! I have missed you so."


The Dragon was about to reply when he saw a glint of gold on the ground. He looked down, only to see six Toa Hagah, their spears raised toward him.


"Tahtorak, I must ask you a favor- these Toa are like the ones that froze me and delivered me to this place. Could you deal with them in your usual manner?"


"Why, certainly! And you'll be joining me, I hope?" replied the Tahtorak. A crowd of the black creatures had gathered to watch the Toa and two Rahi fight. They cowered in fear as the Tahtorak and Dragon spoke to each other, nothing more than meaningless roars to them.


The Dragon started to attack the Toa, feeling happy to be doing so. He felt better than he had in years, was fighting alongside an old friend, and was experiencing a new feeling: revenge.


I don't really want to do this, but they brought it upon themselves. All I wanted to do was make a new friend, and they go and attack me. Maybe when we're done here, Tahtorak and I can introduce ourselves to these strange bipeds… Xians, I think they're called?


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