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Oooh, I just had a fantabulous dinner at the Olive Garden. I had Wedding Soup, Mushroom and Pepperoni Pizza, and Stuffed Mushrooms. Delish! The best part is, I brought home four pieces of pizza (There were six in total) and three of the stuffed Mushrooms. ^_^


I am totally sorry that the next HBH chapter isn't up... and it's kind of funny too, I have absolutely no clue what I want to do next. :blink: Of course, I know the ending and roughly what happens after the DH part, but as for the DH part itself? I have no idea. Except for the part about the Shadowed One killing a captured Toa with his eyebeams, which I've always wanted to happen. ^_^


I have just ended two straight paragraphs with the smiley ^_^. A record! ^_^ (Ahh! Three!)


BTW, when I ever get the next HBH chapter done, I'm going to work on a short story I have in mind. It's very depressing, and is about Toa Lesovikk. When Voya-Nui sinks down to the Southern Continent, an undersea earthquake traps Lesovikk, Hydraxon, and the remaining Barraki in a cave full of water. The catch: All of the aforementioned are waterbreathers. The cave's water is draining- fast. It's a fight for survival! Of course, that is subject to change, but all I want is a battle between Hydraxon, Lesovikk, and the Barraki. :)


I spent the longest time ever this morning doing Algebra. It wasn't really hard, but my Mom made me do TONS of the problems. My brain hurt. On a better note, I have my Physics test tomorrow, and I think I'm going to ace it. Newton's Laws are easy. :)


Well, I must go. But definatly not to watch DVDs... definatly.














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