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Free At Last, Free At Last, Thank God Almighty, We're Free At Last!



Today has started well. Right now I'm on my homeroom teacher's laptop and everyone is turning in their 'Catcher in the Rye' essays and and books (she's an English Teacher) and its become a mess she's trying to order out.


Hi Shanna!


Ah, this is a fun conversation between her and Ms. Darcy.


Having a Crunch Bar for breakfast. Would be more enjoyable if Pat wasn't groaning about his broken leg plus torn ligament.


Ms. Darcy, do you have something to say?


I am glad to be back.


She was gone for a while.


Well, later I'll edit this and bump it about my day. Good so far, but with English in the end, could end horribly. Ah well, I'll enjoy it while it lasts.


After homeroom, I went to Biology to learn more about the human digestive system.


What fun. :drooling:


Transportation Tech... just... no...


Lifetime activities on the other hand... 8D


We convinced the teach to join up with another class and play something like 'Medic' (dunno if you ever heard of it, but I'll explain if asked) but...


We decide to go outside to the turf field to play 'Capture the Football'. Yes, it is 'Capture the Flag'.


I take the first dive into enemy territory, and of course I'm not only tagged but taken down by the leg BECAUSE SOMEONE DECIDED MY SHINS LOOKED LIKE AN UNPAINFUL PLACE TO ATTACK.


So I grab the guy and make him my crutch as I limp to the jail.


I get back in the game, et cetera, et cetera, we lose because we're the cool kids and they actually tried to have fun (if you know you're gonna fail at having fun, might as well talk to your girlfriends <<) and they made everyone do some number of push-ups. 5 if you thought you did everything to could in this game, 10 if you thought you could've done more, 20 if you stood around without a care in world/game.


I did 5, called it a day period.


Health class, the usual talking, and I think I might've done well on the quiz... hmm...


Oh, and Mozilla Fox of Fire is telling me 'might've' isn't a word.


As we say in Boston, especially to the Yanks...


Removed- Nukora


Just kidding, I put that there. :D Probably don't even have the right color...


English gladly flew by like a sparrow on drugs, and I said loudly, proudly, and obnoxiously...


Free at last, free at last! Thank God Almighty, we're free at last!


And your friendly neighborhood American Eagle + Hollister wearing prep who hates stereotypes (grills Nukora and the rest of you) left the building (through the side entrance as usual) and proudly took in the...




The day took its time. I come home, chill on my butt in front of the computer wasting life... took a body-forced afternoon nap (hate them too, so uncomfortable) and went out with dad to take full advantage of watching 'The Forbidden Kingdom'.


7.1 out of 10. It wasn't great, but it was funny...


Though in the Jackie vs. Jet scene I couldn't help but notice the amount of openings I would've taken and counters... Professional wrestling will do that to you.


Went to Uno's, filled me up, came here, got yelled at by Robo switch I yelled back and defeated him with the 'You started it!' finisher!


Saw half of 'Gone Baby Gone' with the talkative, constantly ruining the vibe the movie tries to set in mother of mine and sister who gets confused as often as my mom. Had to explain everything to them.


Oh, and 'The Forbidden Kingdom' depicts South Boston in a funny matter. The bully dude was technically a greaser.




You want to know the REAL Boston?




Bottom line. Done.


Well, I have a Song of the Day, but I'll save it for tomorrow.


Also, expect tomorrow to be with much sorrow. Another memorial.




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I just had to do some paragraphs about the narration and syntax of that book =D.


And next, my assignment is to take an old story (I'm thinking Snow White) and write it in the style of Holden. Shweeet.

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The colour is #400080. And I'm not entirely sure on this, but I'm pretty sure I usually put a space on both sides of the hyphen. Sometimes a period after "Removed" as well. :P So there you have the guide to mimicking me. >.>


Kind of late spring break isn't it?

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Actually, we do it late because of the Boston Marathon. I realized this two weeks ago.


Not to mention we get the full warmth >=D



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