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A "wanted" Update

The Fallen Amph


And hey, no update about Amanda? That's very unlike you, Amph. Two demerits. :lol:


No! Not...2!


Well, by request of BioHero, I guess I will recite my week. :P


This week was unlike any week. No, my school was not attacked by Ronald McDonald and his gang of Burgur-ites. No, it was the infamous Reading Week. Ahh!

It's kind hard to explain. I guess the simplest way to explain it is as a yearly celebration of...well, reading. :P With a special event everyday, and prizes (No, not the fun kind. I'll explain once I get to what happened on Friday. <_< )


These were the themes

  • Monday - Hat Day
  • Tuesday - Patriotic Day
  • Wedesday - Favorite Book Character Day
  • Thursday - Sports Day
  • Friday - Pajama Day
(Yes, I participated in all five :P)


First off, I have to say a few things (Just to make this thing easier to understand). Every morning, there would be a "Mystery Reader" that read to us *A very wierd story* over the intercom and we would guess who was reading (either a teacher or faculty member) by writing the name on a piece of paper. And I guess there would be a drawing with them, I'm not sure.


Let's get on with it!


`^_Monday_^` Nothing really happened here. Except that she sat behind me at lunch (except when she turned in my direction, I couldn't see her facial expression since I don't wear my glasses at lunch or recess :D).


`^_Tuesday_^` I wore a red shirt, blue pants, and white socks =D...that's is about it...


-Skipping Wednesday-


`^_Thursday_^` This is where Andrew becomes my little "Frenzy" if you catch my drift. :D He was standing next to a pole when Amanda and one of her friends walked by (More like walked and stopped). And He tells me that he heard them say my name...( :guilty: ).


`^_Friday_^` Ok...This one was wierd. So, at the end of the day, our princepal was anoucing the winners of the drawing (You know, the "Mystery Reader"). And I was just doing this art project with Andrew and Brent, not paying any attention since I never win anything. :P Then I hear "Michael *@#%$%$*" being said on the intercom.

And I just said, normally,"Cool. I get a prize. :D" So I went down to the Office to get my, so to speak, "prize". I get to the room where the prizes were, where I here," OK. Pick out a book."


What the ###?


The prizes were 2nd and 3rd grade reading level books. 100 - 200 pages! I'm in 6th grade and I'm at a college reading level dangit!

*sighs* I just grabbed something and left. Something's better than nothing. :)


Does Amanda like Him? Will Amphilus talk to her? Tune in next week to find out!


*Turns of life*

Then I hear



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I feel your pain. When I was in 2nd grade, I was reading 5th grade books for our Accelerated Reader program and was second in the school in points. But still, I had to read baby books for "reading class," as if I needed it. >_>


I'm at a college level now, too. ^_^


Oh yeah, I just realized- I'm the same age as you, and I'm a grade higher. :evilgrin:



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Curious week, I see. I wonder what you did for Wednesday? *wonders*


College level reading? I think I have something like that. I did have a Sophomore eading level in 1st grade though...


What book did you pick?




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Yay! I inspired an entry! (If I had a blog approval you'd get it).


Anyway, why skip Wednesay? Ah well.......unless it involved Transformers/Bionicle, in which case I understand.


I'm still holding out hopes Amanda likes you. Maybe in the season finale of AmphiLife. :lol:


As for your "prize", at least you won. I'm probably college level (I was 9th grade level in 3rd grade, no kidding) reading too.


Oh, and my lovelife is working out okay, though I doubt you're interested. If you are, though, PM me. It's nice to have someone who will listen.

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Judging from personal experience and these comments/entry, I think the "reading levels" are seriously messed up.
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I feel your pain. When I was in 2nd grade, I was reading 5th grade books for our Accelerated Reader program and was second in the school in points. But still, I had to read baby books for "reading class," as if I needed it. >_>


I'm at a college level now, too. ^_^


Oh yeah, I just realized- I'm the same age as you, and I'm a grade higher. :evilgrin:



Grade skipper!

My Reading teacher has this new *cough* horrible *cough* thing for AR. He's set these dates where we should have a certain percent of our points, or we stay in for all recesses every day until we get that percent. Gahh!

Now I've finished Artimis Fowl: the arctic incident, and I've got to read the whole Artimis Fowl: The Eternity Code tomorrow. ><

He expects us to read a bunch of small books, instead of reading one big book (Which I do ;) )


Curious week, I see. I wonder what you did for Wednesday? *wonders*


College level reading? I think I have something like that. I did have a Sophomore eading level in 1st grade though...


What book did you pick?





*Covers Face*...Shredderman...I just grabbed it...

Yay! I inspired an entry! (If I had a blog approval you'd get it).


Anyway, why skip Wednesay? Ah well.......unless it involved Transformers/Bionicle, in which case I understand.


I'm still holding out hopes Amanda likes you. Maybe in the season finale of AmphiLife. :lol:


As for your "prize", at least you won. I'm probably college level (I was 9th grade level in 3rd grade, no kidding) reading too.


Oh, and my lovelife is working out okay, though I doubt you're interested. If you are, though, PM me. It's nice to have someone who will listen.


I just skipped Wedneday because nothing 'exciting' happened? Why? Do you guys enjoy me...I wouldn't say babble...talk randomly about the high and low points of my days? :lol:


Personaly, do you know what I think?...I think she's afraid to talk to me...seriously. If she wasn't, she would have said something about me liking her a loooooooong time ago...


Also, I love the names you're making up...AmphiLife...Amph-Amanda...classic. :lol:



After reading these comments, I'd like to say:


Finally! I'm surrounded by smart people!


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Now I've finished Artimis Fowl: the arctic incident, and I've got to read the whole Artimis Fowl: The Eternity Code tomorrow. ><

He expects us to read a bunch of small books, instead of reading one big book (Which I do ;) )

*hyperventilates in happiness*


I've read Artemis Fowl too! It was about two months ago. I've since then forced four of my friends to read it, and they all love it! Yay!


*composes himself* Artemis Fowl is a great series, seriously. My favorites, in order are:

1. The Lost Colony (book 5)

2. The Eternity Code (book 3) (trust me, you'll love it)

3. Artemis Fowl (book 1)

4. The Arctic Incident (book 2) (it wasn't bad, just not as good as the others. It's almost as good as book 1 though)

5. The Opal Deception (book 4) (again, not bad, but not as good as others)


I can't wait, July 15---Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox!

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