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There's Treasure Everywhere!



A buddy of mine invited me to go "Geocaching" with him this weekend. The idea is that you can go online and download coordinates of various caches to a GPS. Then you can drive to some place that's public property (such as a park) and start searching for it. It's government sponsored, and is incredibly popular apparently.


Of the 8 he had loaded up for the day, we were able to find 5 (3 of which I spotted thank you very much!). When you find them, you open them up and look at the various trinkets people have put in them. Each one also has a log you can sign before putting it back for the next person. Looking at the logs, there were some caches that were as old as 3 years, which is amazing considering some of the places they've been hidden.


I'm slowly trying to get back into shape, so for me the idea of a 4 hour, 7-mile hike was rather daunting. Though my feet were burned out and are STILL sore today, it was a lot of mine. The weather's been beautiful the past few days, which made the hike enjoyable. Saw a few swans hanging out in a lake...but the coolest part was the bald eagle we spotted perched on a log. We were able to get a good look, and I think my friend got a picture. But the coolest part was when it spread its wings and flew over us so we could get a good look at it.


I dunno if it's something I could get into on my own, but as a way of just hanging out with people and checking out what nature has to offer...it's a great experience. And the coolest thing is, there are caches hidden all over. Over our 7-mile hike, we never got more than a few miles from a major road or house...yet were in the middle of the woods the hole time!


If you ever get a chance, give it a shot. You'll be surprised how interesting it can be just spending some time out in nature.


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My family and I once went Geocaching in the San Juan islands. Some of my dad's friends had told him the rough area where one of the catches was (in a broken down boat, to be specific). Although we searched for about an hour (there were a few broken boats) we couldn't find it. But it had probably just been moved or something. That's cool that you found some.


And hiking FTW!



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Make up your mind which is coolest!1!!


*hates that smiley*


Anyway, sounds fun-ish, but I didn't really understand what you're looking for.

(really Bunda)

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What'd you find inside them?

It was a ton of random odds n' ends. One had some old McDonald's toys. Another had fake plastic bugs. There was one loaded with a small stuffed snake (which was a brief shock until I remembered that any snake in a tube would be long dead).


I think one had a poetry book. According to the log somebody borrowed it and then brought it back when they were done reading it. It's amazing how into it some people get.

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