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And So It Ends...



Poor, poor banner shop. Oh well, it was quite fun while it lasted. I'd like to open another shop in CoT sometime soon, possibly one with templates for backgrounds and text that you can choose. It would make my job as a shop owner much easier, and I'd be able to work on banners, etc. more often. I will still, however take the occasional personal request, as I really do enjoy making banners.


Also, should my signoff be "The Argetlam", or "Argy"?


The Argetlam


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Yeah, it was kinda awesomeness. I'm sort of sad to see it finally closed after all this time, but at the same time happy, because I can do more with my life than sit around filling out requests. (Don't kill me, it was cool while it lasted...)

And my vote says Argy. Argy Argy Argy. It's just so... repeatable.

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Ah well. Thanks for the avatar I don't use anymore. :P



Your welcome. :P


Yeah, it was kinda awesomeness. I'm sort of sad to see it finally closed after all this time, but at the same time happy, because I can do more with my life than sit around filling out requests. (Don't kill me, it was cool while it lasted...)

And my vote says Argy. Argy Argy Argy. It's just so... repeatable.

I totally understand what you mean, I sorta feel that way too, but I'd still like to open another shop sometime soon.







Not Argy.





(See the similarity? SEE? SEE?!?)

Yeah, I see the similarity, but I doubt we'd be mistaken for each other, you're much more well known.


The Argetlam

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I know it's pretty much decided now, but Argy. ;) :P



Yeah, probably, but we'll see how many other people say the same thing.


The Argetlam (for now)

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'M serious.




(really Bunda)

:lol: That actually might be considered, nice suggestion. ^_^


The Aaarrrgetlam



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I like Argy, just make sure you do not get those vowels confused!

Yeah, lol.


I think I'll be going with Argy, as it seems to be the most popular.



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:( 'tis so sad :(


ah well.. In a way I suppose I am.. even though it gave me an excuse to actually open the program I love/hate :P







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whoa.. you posted and edited my post? '


:( why must people edit me!?






*actually likes it, and might keep it*


what do you think?


Yes I posted and edited your post.



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