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Another Quick Mission



Come in Agent Lawliet! Repeat, come in Agent Lawliet!




What is it Commander Rohn?

You're OB mission entry...




Oh. Yes, of course...


Well, I am trapped inside a containment cell. They got rid of all my weaponry but didn't know I had this spare transmittier hidden deep inside my clothes. There are at least 7 Ellipse guards standing outside the cell door. I have a very small window in the room where I can see an ocean. I can't tell if I'm moving or not, bu--


Wait! I just felt a bump! I will assume that since I see the ocean and possibly just felt the cell jump a couple of inches, that this is a moving base--specifically a boat. If the OB doesn't come to save before long I will be execu--AA! They've traced this transmission and they're closing in on me! You don't have much time! You must save me or I will not be able to retrieve the Ellipses legendary source of energy and power, the --


-End Transmission-

Oi. I hate cliffhangers. I'll send some OBers to spring ya.




I just shared these PMs with Agent Lawliet. The first three OBers to volunteer will get 5000 Lair Points if they succesfully spring Lawliet.


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I'd help but i'm currently waiting for my intel source who should meet me soon so i'll try and help as soon as my source gets here. Please note that it's not definate that i'll be able to help as a Ellipses war ship has been detected within the sector i'm in......contact you soon.

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I'm able to make limited contact with friends. Please continue your efforts in tis.


I was unable to finish the sentence in the last PM I sent. The Ellipses ultimate source of energy is...laziness.


You must get them to fight you as much as you can. Do not spy on them and let them sit down and relax. Attack at will. They will eventually weaken and we will win the war.


Now go fight them! Get me on the way! As I said, I have limited contact, but feel free to contact me for a short plan. In my time here, I have been albe to discover their battle plans and their identification:


My time's up, I must go now. Goodbye, and good luck!

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