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I'm Still Back!



I couldn't really go a day without blogging, so I felt the urge to post this. At the same time, I don't want to distract attention away from the fact that I've returned from the abyss of 8-10 months without Premiership... so I'll reiterate my prior sentiment.


I'M still BAAAACK!


Now that that's off my chest, time for the moment you've all been waiting for--the progress report of the things that have changed since my last entry (August, wow).

  • The "list"... which is, of course, the list of girls I like... is radically different. Happy happy joy joy is henceforth renamed "Hey hey whatever whatever" because I am no longer interested. As for the others... Unattainable Goal is still on the list... Blue Eyes has a boyfriend who lives in another state and she's doing one of those "oh we're gonna get married eventually lol except we're no where near mature enough etc lol lol lol" things, so she's off the list too... I'll add another one, we can call her "Yeah right, Dokky" because we're great friends, but she's probably a a little too old for me... and then there was one who went on the list and right off again because of her politics, but just in case she does ever get back on the list, we'll call her "Bagelfuls" because Bagelfuls are an amazing new product from Kraft that I'm addicted to and wanted to name something after... and finally, we'll add someone we'll call "DOK YOU ARE A FOOL" because she's definitely too old for me. :P
  • I think in the last entry I said I was trying out for the worship team on acoustic guitar. Well, not only did I make it on, but have switched to electric (got a Korg AX3000G processor YAY) unless otherwise indicated, so that's going well.
  • At the end of this college semester I will officially have 12 fully transferable college credits while still in high school. s woo
  • little did you know the DAD at the end of that last one was intentional
  • it actually wasn't so shut up
To make this entry less serious, though, I'll just end on a high note.




Much funnier if you picture this little fella singing it.


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I think in the last entry I said I was trying out for the worship team on acoustic guitar. Well, not only did I make it on, but have switched to electric (got a Korg AX3000G processor YAY) unless otherwise indicated, so that's going well.


Congrats. :)


I've been on my church worship team for a few years, and it's a lot of fun. ^_^

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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


Yea, my list of girls I like has drastically changed as well since the super bowl. But back to nonsense:


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Aww. Did I miss the naming? Because "Phat Chance" would be a cool name.

Um, this entry was BEFORE the naming entry, so no, you didn't miss anything Motts :P

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