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I Think I Broke'd It...



So...yes...yesterday, I was putting something away in the freezer for my Mom, and as I was in the process of putting it in the back of the freezer, Somehow, I smacked my arm (Maybe 3 inches above my elbow) and it hurt SO bad. It was like this shocking pain, I didn't cry (I more of whined xD) but I gotta tell you, it hurt, right now as I type it's staying the same, the only thing moving are my fingers...It really hurts >.< What's worse is that I was TRYING to play piano today, and it's KILLING my arm...which is Bad, very bad, because my Recital is in 9 days, and I play for church every sudnay, and it HURTS...I'm really really hoping I didn't break anything, I mean,. how could I break something on a Freezer door handle? I have no clue, but it's KILLING ME.


Anywho, if it gets worse, I'm going to try to avoid going to the doctor until after my recital...I can stick it out, I think....and if it does get really bad, I have an arm sling upstairs that I can always dig out again...




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It's a nerve. I'd suggest seeing a doc about it, because you may have pulled the nerve or damaged it. Either way, it'll heal, but I'd suggest making sure.



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Haha, you'd be surprised what you can hurt and in what ways-- oh wait, maybe that's just me. I often get hurt doing the simplest tasks... you know, like walking. Sometimes I have injuries that I don't even know for the life of me how I got them. :P


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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Hehe. Yeah Toaraga, I know a kid who just fell in his living room, just right on the floor, (He was only walking and stuff) and he broke his arm. xD



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Haha, you'd be surprised what you can hurt and in what ways-- oh wait, maybe that's just me. I often get hurt doing the simplest tasks... you know, like walking. Sometimes I have injuries that I don't even know for the life of me how I got them. :P


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

xD That happens to me. I get random scars and bruises overnight.

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