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Random Thoughts



You know, I wish I could change the name of my blog...


Earlier today I just had to read the Federation of Fear as I had not done so recently and quite frankly I think that this particular Serial is pure awesomeness. I like the rag-tag team of enemies and villains who are on a quest to do good. My two favorie parts so far is when Vezon said "Lover of gardening" along with a longer sentence before that to Brutaka. I also loved it when they were going to sell poor Roody to the ship owner on Stelt.


My two favorite characters would be Brutaka and Makuta Spiriah (I believe that's his name) Those two are very fun characters to read about with Brutaka's coolness to every thing that happens and Spiriah's paranoid statements and feelings.


Thats about it on FOF, but now we can look at Mutran's blog.


I like the Mutran Blog, the history of the Makuta, and the League of six Kingdoms. I never would have known that the Makuta simply created Rahi for the Universe, and that interested me quite a bit. I still like hearing how the Makuta evolved and their thoughts on the subject.


I found it pretty cool when Mutran went to see Tren-Krom and then help Teridax on his rulership campaign. I have reread that part about twice now.


(Not on the subject of the Serial/Blog):


Now reading these inspire me to write my own stories (which I have done and are in the SS section of BZP), but the problem is that people read it, but they don't put any input on it. If it was good I would like to know that so I can keep doing what I have been doing, and if it's bad I would like to know why so I can improve.


*sigh* well members have the choice to or not to post and I won't force anything on them its just I would like to know if people like my works and if I should keep doing them.


I won't be able to attend any events that are around (unless they are close to Houston TX) so most of you won't see me in person.


I know absolutely nothing about the upcoming BIONICLE movie, so would somebody be so kind to tell me where it takes place?


Thats all for tonight/morning


Recommended Comments

But... you can change the title of your blog. :blink:


And, yes, the problem with writing stories is usually a lack of good reviewers. Just keep trying... eventually you'll get somebody interested, and if they have problems hopefully they'll explain them. :sly:


And, I think the next movie is coming out next year, based on the storyline of 09, which we know pretty much nothing about. I'm sure there are places in the S&T forum that are more reliable. :P



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Really? I didn't know that you could switch the name... Thanks for answering a few questions, and I appreciate the comment! :)
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