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Review Of Titanic Proportions



no, this is not about a boat, or movies about ancient Greeks, it's about this years Titans sets. The main three anyway.


Titans have always had a special place in my heart. To me they seemed to be amde just for the fans. While the cans and smaller sets were designed to atrack the casual buyer, the titans were designed for the peolpe that were already fans of the toy line. But enough of that, on to the review


First we will start with Axxon. Your going to hear this alot with these titans but I love it. The more stout design is a good improvement over the kinda of tall and lanky designs of Rhoduka and Sidorak. Plus I love the fingers, I actually out him together first with the usuall stub hands and it just looked bad, the fingers just bring the whole set up. I was actually suprised with how many tiny peices Axxon was made up of, alot of times the titans are made using alot of big peices with some small decritive peices in front of them, but for the most part Axxon is made up of just small peices put together in smart ways. I also really like the new mask, it's different from alot of the masks we've seen before. Ohh and the weapon ain't to shabby either.


Next we have Brutaka. Guess what!! I love this one too. Why anyone could have thought Brutaka was a good guy is beyond me, he just breathes meaness. He's got claws and spikes all over his body and that weapon of his looks like it could take out more than a few Toa in one strike (where have I seen that before?). I love the contrast between Axxon and Brutaka; one is tall and the other short, and the color schemes just comliment each other. For once having both seems to better then having one, they just look great standing next to each other. Brutaka's mask is also great, but it's a little big if you put it on anything but a titan. I'm glad that we have masks back on the faces, especially this year when classic style masks are few.


And next the biggy, Vezon and Fenrak. This one is by far the best, while Brutaka may have seemed mean these two seem down right evil. Vezon alone could give Darth Vader a run for his money in the evil catergory (I can see them now comparing capes), while he is basically a Piraka the inclusion of some extra chest peices and different arms make him look better then the original. I do have two complaints about him though: Why is there a bornish peice at the end of his staff? doesn't look right; and his mask (although it looks great) doesn't fit on the piraka head as good as the others and thus he has a kind of recieded look, sometimes this makes it hard to see his glowing eyes from some angles. Now to the spider, not since the Bahrag have I seen a face with so many teeth (actually it reminds me alot of the Bahrag spider combiner). The legs have a nice intracet design but there is some stability problems, you have to get all the legs lined up just right or the whole thing will fall to one side. But Fenrak also suffers the most from the same thing I've noticed in all the new Titans, joint weakness. all the joints are pretty loose to the point where Axxon can barely hold up his own axe and sometimes one of Fenrak's legs like to start moving on it's own. Infact the only thing keeping most of them form falling over is the new piston like system. I hope this isn't a way of Lego cutting costs by using cheaper plastics or something, becuase as these sets get older they will really start to run down.


Overall I think these Titans are the best in a long time. They can't quite beat out the year of the Bahrag and Exo-Toa, but they are a close second. If you don't have these yet you need to go out and get them, if you have to get just one get Vezon, but if you have the money it definettly won't be a waist to get all of them.


Now I'm off to find the one they call Strobe Light.


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