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I Are Genius?

Danska: Shadow Master


No, not really, but it's fun to think that. :P


Some people may have noticed the complete lack of kit updates, blog entries and other such stuff-type stuffs. There are most certainly reasons.


Those reasons are primarily coursework.


For anyone who doesn't know what that is (anyone?), it's a very large and nasty piece of work that usually gets set near the beginning of the year and you have to go off and do it. Sure, you get lesson time for it, but a lot has to be done at home. Some subjects, like Philosophy, have extended essays that you must then reproduce under exam conditions with 1000 words of notes having painstakingly perfected and polished it to perfection. Others, like science, require you to do a practical investigation into something and do a write-up. Well, I think it does. I've stayed as far away from science as I can, so who knows?


This year I have had philosophy, english and two pieces of computing to do. The Philosophy had the earliest deadline and, being an essay in exam conditions, wasn't really negotiable. That took a lot of my time up before the Easter Holidays.


English was supposed to be in before the holidays, but I handed it in on Friday.


Then there's Computing. Two projects because the exam board gave us all U grades last year for our coursework, so we're having to redo it. Two pieces which are meant to take a year each...in one year. FUN!


Except it's even worse! Given as we have close to no guidence on the second one and very little on the first, it has proven...difficult. Final deadline is tommorow...no, wait, today. I started the first one ages ago, but didn't make a proper attempt, really, until Thursday. I think I'd made my database by then, but the write-up left much to be desired...


I finished that on Friday. I didn't start the second piece until yesterday...I mean Saturday. Half a year to do a year's work in? Nope! How about two days?


But guess what? I DID IT! Somehow I managed to complete all that in TWO DAYS! It's printing out right now and I'm feeling very pleased with myself. Inbetween feeling utterly exhausted because I've been working solidly for four days and it's four in the morning.


A lot of fours, aren't there? Strange...


So, yes. COURSEWORK IS COMPLETE AT LAST! Now I just have exams in May to worry about then Uni to...


*sigh* It doesn't get any better, does it?




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