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Everything, The Universe, And Life



Hence, lowered activity. Not that you noticed. (:P, in case you couldn’t tell. I’m not so insecure as to care whether people here miss me or not, nor to dislike those people for failing to miss me.)


Anyway, my paternal grandmother is dying. I’m coping just fine right now (probably because she’s not likely to die for another couple months, hence there is no immediacy) but other members of my immediate and extended families are not. So, prayers and whatever-it-is-you-non-praying-folks-prefer-to-do please.


But I don’t mean to depress you. That’s not my style. So how about some wonderful news: You’re unique! Just like everybody else! Except whichever young female celebrity is in trouble this week! Because I get them confused even when I do bother to pay attention!




That’s my style.


Actually, no, it isn’t. Because as soon as I claim to have a style, I either have to lock into it forever or else keep changing it, and so it is on the whole much simpler to do without the thing altogether. So for future reference, I don’t have a style, mkay? My style is to not have a style. Also, randomness and paradoxes and seriousness and stuff. And inscrutability. I do ramble on, don't I?


I saw I Am Legend, and then proceeded to entertain myself by imagining what I would do if, like Dr. Neville, I was immune to the Crippen virus. Probably sequester myself on one of Washington’s many tiny coastal islands and raid stores for food and Lego by day. And then create a huge space city, as well as some of those lethal X-Pod-chucking Mindstorms arms I heard about to repel zombies and things if needed. Also explosions.


My play goes well. I’ve rationalized away the kissing stuff well enough that it doesn’t bother me. My friends’ reactions were/are/will be interesting, though.


In the world of academics, I qualified for the Running Start program at the local community college. Good thing, too, since I’m due to be finished with my high school stuffs soon. Summed up for those of you who don’t have it in your states, Running Start gives me two years of college for free, except for books and transportation. Ah, transportation...That’s the only problem I have with it. The campus is 15 miles away, I won’t get my own car until after college, and the bus is often too late to be trustworthy. But one of my best friends is doing it too, so booyah!


<3 naked mole rats.


No, the aforementioned friend is not a naked mole rat. She is a human bean.


Being. Read Dahl’s The BFG, will you? And keep up with the random references to totally unrelated novels, TV shows, ideologies, etc., and my life, kthx. Or just smile, slowly back away, and quietly reach for a straitjacket. You know who you are.


A NET team is coming to our parish. NET is a teen-oriented ministry staffed by young adults, who travel around the country in teams of ten or so. The events are great fun, and we haven’t had one at our parish in a couple years. Problem is, I’ll have to leave hours early for my play. <_>


Yay Portal. Do want merchandise. Also, I saw this awesome Weighted Companion Cube cave racer. And a hilarious mimed cave racer. And speaking of cave racers, I built like eleven, seven hyoomin and four frog. But you’ll have to wait for individual pics.


Also, want to read a good book? Check out Doug TenNapel’s Creature Tech. It’s this awesome graphic novel with totally black-and-white art and space eels and diabolically British ghosts and aliens and rednecks and CIA-trained mantids and WIN for a variety of other reasons as well.


SHCCB results and prize will be up eventually. Thanks to my heightened inactivity, I have all sorts of catching-up to do on the computer with Internets. This laptop no has Internets, but I am free to type on it for hours on end. Hence, (hence hence hence) Atypically Long Real-Life-Related Entries such as this one, copied from Internetless Laptop to The Little Transfer Floppy That Could (Only After Much Reformatting) and from The Little Transfer Floppy That Could (Only After Much Reformatting) to my grandma’s PC (which, unlike ours, has a floppy drive) and finally e-mailed to me and blogged.


Also, something happened to confirm my suspicions that yes, there are girls (or at least one) out there with whom I seriously would not mind spending the rest of my life. A bit of an epiphany, if you will...Now to wait, and see where life takes us. Should be a good deal, I reckon. 8D


Recommended Comments

@Parts 1-16: Okaywhat.


@Part 17: I know not what love feels like, so I will not respond to this.




1st coment wai too go mee


Edit: D'you get my Trade PM?

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So, prayers and whatever-it-is-you-non-praying-folks-prefer-to-do please.

The fact you said that makes me feel set for life. Thank you.



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Wow, that was a lot, but entertaining to read.


So I might as well comment on the last thing you mentioned. Good luck, do what you want to, aww....

Yeah, I have no experience. Actually, I might...don't wait too long, or else you'll become too good "just friends" to want to do anything about it. But hey, that's worked with me for a while now with friends I have.

Oops, non-expert ramblings.


Anyway, that Portal cave racer is amazing.




No style FTW!


Good luck with that pre-college stuff.


Yes, I'll send some prayers. (And what AA quoted is QFT)



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I swear, it's Disney's fault that all those girls are so messed up. They use them in a kid sticom then vomit them onto the street when they get too old.


Are you sure she's not a naked mole rat in disguise?

BFG FTW, despite the fact that it's utterly horrifying and distressing to it's target audience.

Girls = not FAIL. Sadly, they aren't WIN yet either. =(

(really Bunda)
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Edit: D'you get my Trade PM?


So, prayers and whatever-it-is-you-non-praying-folks-prefer-to-do please.

The fact you said that makes me feel set for life. Thank you.



You're welcome?

Wow, that was a lot, but entertaining to read.


So I might as well comment on the last thing you mentioned. Good luck, do what you want to, aww....

Yeah, I have no experience. Actually, I might...don't wait too long, or else you'll become too good "just friends" to want to do anything about it. But hey, that's worked with me for a while now with friends I have.

Oops, non-expert ramblings.


Anyway, that Portal cave racer is amazing.




No style FTW!


Good luck with that pre-college stuff.


Yes, I'll send some prayers. (And what AA quoted is QFT)



Will respond in length later when not pressed for time.

Are you sure she's not a naked mole rat in disguise?


Girls = not FAIL. Sadly, they aren't WIN yet either. =(



(really Bunda)

No, they totally are. Some of them, anyway.


And I'm not even sure I'm not a naked mole rat.

Can you actually go "<_>"?

Thta's supposed to be a sad face. Like, put little dots in between the < and the _ and the >.

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Wow, that was a lot, but entertaining to read.


So I might as well comment on the last thing you mentioned. Good luck, do what you want to, aww....

Yeah, I have no experience. Actually, I might...don't wait too long, or else you'll become too good "just friends" to want to do anything about it. But hey, that's worked with me for a while now with friends I have.

Oops, non-expert ramblings.


Anyway, that Portal cave racer is amazing.




No style FTW!


Good luck with that pre-college stuff.


Yes, I'll send some prayers. (And what AA quoted is QFT)



Will respond in length later when not pressed for time.

Yeah...ignore the first paragraph.




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