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Why Look Everyone! Its My Demise!



Their is one thing that troubles people on a daily basis. It stays in the back of their heads forever, but once it hops on the train of thought, it rushes through your mind, engulfing all concentration and stresses your body as it tries to finish the task at hand. This thing brings daily pains and worries, and is ultimately controlled by the authority that you must follow. They do not care what is going on in your life, not unless a higher authority says so.


I do not have the explanation to the higher authority that would affect the authority. I am a victim.


I absolutely hate these.


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Due dates


Research Paper on the physical effects of alcohol on the human body, DUE tomorrow.


Thirty page chapter, read and Take-Home Quiz on 'Of Mice and Men'.


Two chapters to read and take notes in History textbook.


The equation comes up to...


Another all-nighter.


Anyone want to stay up until 4 AM on AIM for me is greatly appreciated.


I think Lil' Wayne says it best with And I feel like dying... and I feel like dying...


Then again, right after that, it says: Once only the drugs are done...




Okay, the man looks like this:




Any questions?




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