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Someone Needs A New Job...

Metallic O'Dalek


The following are real fortune cookie fortunes that me and my family got at the restraunt we just returned from. Mine is last:


Feel like walking in Mud? Take your time today.


Look around yourself. Your answer is nearby.


It could be better, but its good enough now.


Absence, makes the heart grow fonder, makes the pay check go lighter.


Thoughts, anyone? I did not make these up, nor did I forget the apostrophe in "it's" in the third one, that was exactly how it was spelled. =/





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You're listening to the advice of paper leaflets enclosed inside a cookie?


My advice is to not be so superstitious.


Really, it's unlikely that said "suggestions" are really that helpful. Sure, it's possible you might be successful completely demolishing your hometown, and selling the ruins as mud, but honestly, don't be so fond of what a bunch of randomly assorted sentences say. If you want to go take a mudbath, that's fine. I'm just saying that it's unlikely to help anything.




Sorry, was I too blunt?






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