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May! May? May... Um... May.



Well, it's finally May! The month of the end of Spring, the month of my birthday, the month of Indy 4's theatrical release which just so happens to be on my birthday hence the reason I'm excited about it, and the month of a week-long trip to Texas in order to find a house and to get to know the general area before we move there.


All smacking into my birthday.


When it comes to birthdays and Christmas, I'm hard to surprise. I keep unintentionally finding out or correctly predicting what I'm getting, but I just go along with it. I'm not saying I can't be surprised; I've been surprised before, and it still happens on occasion. It just doesn't happen often.


I hope I'll have a surprise for my birthday this year. But I know I can't expect one. Due to our trip to Texas, we won't be back till the night before my birthday. And even on my birthday we have things to do. That whole week, 15th-22nd is planned out. While in Texas, we need to find a house, (or at least a neighborhood,) my dad needs to take a test to receive a special license in order to work his career in that state, we'll be going to The Houston Galleria, a huge mall that we're all excited about, and a bunch of other things I haven't paid too much attention to. :rolleyes: On my birthday, my sister has a ballet recital that evening, and I'm going to see Indy 4 afterwards.


It's bitter-sweet. I'll have an exciting week, but nothing really special is planned for my birthday (with the exception of the movie). It's almost disappointing. I don't want to sound selfish; I don't want to be selfish. I guess I'm just used to my birthday being celebrated like it's something special. But who am I to predict the future? I don't know what will really happen when the time comes.


Ok, enough worrying about the future. Nothing satisfying ever comes from that anyway. I'll talk about what's happening now.


Well, Our kitchen has been under construction for a couple of weeks now. We're renovating it so we can sell our house. right now, all we have in there is the fridge, stove, and a small table to act as a counter. We need to use the bathroom to wash dishes. It wouldn't bee so bad if we could afford to eat out every night. Alas, we haven't eaten out for dinner since we started the renovation. So we've been cooking in there every night, even though there's not much of a place to cook. Fortunately we have the new cabinets and counters sitting in our garage, and my dad is doing the pluming today, so we're making progress!


I feel excited, anxious, and overall exhausted. Though I would think I'd be used to it by now seeing as I've lived the past decade or so moving and renovating houses only to move again. :wacko:

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The galleria is fun. Been ages since I've been there, though. It's missing a Lego store though...

(really Bunda)

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