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Lord Of The Flies Survivor: First Challenge



First: new chapter to ED is up. It's pretty epic, if I do say so myself, and I'm really happy with it. So be sure to check that out, as the end really sets up for the grand finale.


So, in my English class we are reading Lord of the Flies. I'm sure most of you have at least heard of it. Anyway, in order to make things a bit more interesting, my teacher has turned this into a game like the show Survivor. We do challenges based on the book and the losing tribe(s) vote someone off at the end of each challenge. So far we have three tribes of five people (or did, but I'll get to that), but a fourth will be formed when four people are voted out, making an Outcast Tribe.


Now, I don't know if I ever told you guys, but I am actually in the CP (College Prep) B class, instead of the higher CP A. Why? Well, in my sophomore year, I got a little lazy and couldn't figure out a novel we were reading, so I got pushed down to CP B. Needless to say, I have close to a 100 average in the class this year, meaning when we do team stuff, people want to be on my team. We picked Survivor tribes randomly, though.


Anyway, we're the blue tribe (we have a name and flag, but I'm not going into those for several reasons). But today was the first challenge based on chapter one of the book. Unfortunately, we just barely lost to the red tribe (I think they cheated somehow, considering who's on that tribe, which I will rant and rave about tomorrow in class). We had a little difficulty with some of the questions because they were about these miniscule little details that I didn't really process while reading that chapter. We got it done, but because we didn't win, we and the orange tribe each had to vote someone off. For the sake of clarification, this is my team (first names only) :

  • Dennis
  • Briannna
  • Sam
  • Maura
  • Dave (me)

Now, with me being the only one who's read any of the book thus far, the team is smart enough to not vote me off. Early on, I made an alliance with Dennis and Brianna to vote off Maura. However, but some cruel twist of fate, I accidently worked myself into an alliance with Sam and Maura to vote off Dennis. No one knew about either alliance. Now, after much deliberation, I finally decided to backstab Maura, because Dennis at least tries to pay attention, whereas the other does not.


Voting time. I have never seen a situation deteriorate so badly so fast. All alliances were destroyed. Sam voted for Brianna, because she didn't know who to vote for and just went with that. Maura voted for Dennis. Dennis voted for Maura. And Brianna backstabbed Dennis and voted for him. I voted for Maura. Now that leaves one vote for Breanna, two for Dennis, two for Maura, and none for Sam and me. Thus, we have a tie. To break it, the teacher went by who got a higher grade on the chapters 1-3 reading quiz yesterday. I figured there was no way Maura beat Dennis.


But she did. By two points.


So now one of the few people on my tribe I had faith in is gone. And we're stuck with the useless one. Now, Maura is convinced I stayed faithful and thinks Brianna voted for her. Yay! I get to live! Finally, Brianna admits to backstabbing Dennis, meaning she's trying to figure out who the second person who voted for her was. At this point I'm sinking lower into the desk, praying that some hole opens up and swallows me. But she discovered it was me and is probably conspiring against me. Yippee.


And so, on to the second challenge tomorrow...


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Isn't it strange that the politics and alliances always have more value than, say, actually reading and understanding the book. :P


Sounds like a fun class project.



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Yeah, I've heard stories from past years about how kids took it so seriously they broke life-long friendships to win.


But I crushed all traces of a conscience long before starting. :P

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