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Life, Death And Small Bits Of Green Moondust

Danska: Shadow Master


Rejoice, for the title is roughly 1/3rd related to this blog entry! As to which third, I'll give you a clue: it's not the second or third parts.


Yeah. Another entry about life. I was planning to post another semi-essay-type thing on Bionicle and which years I thought were good/bad and why etc. but I really can't be bothered. Sound lazy? Well, maybe it is. I've never claimed that I'm not lazy. But I'd argue that it has more to do with it being sweltetingly hot and me having a cold. Bad combination if ever there was one. Might skip Scouts tonight. The idea of charging round a field after people is not a pleasant thought right now.


This period of time is my break between Coursework and exams. I should be revising - and I fully intend to - but then, I fully intend to every year. Really need to for some of my exams though.


But what is happening? Yes, brain. Tell me! Well, yeste - no, not yesterday. A few days ago I ordered two books about vampires, Bionicle Legends 9 and a USB Stick from Amazon. It was shipped yesterday. That's why I thought of yesterday. I'm hoping that will arrive soon.


After exams, which last exactly a month (start May 19th end June 19th) I have much to look forward to. June 27th they FINALLY release Brawl over here! Like I haven't waited long enough! So that will no doubt be the beginning of an addiction. Then, on July 5th, IRON MAIDEN! LIVE! I still can't believe I'm actually seeing them! It's gonna be so awesome!!!


I'm also supposed to be going on two - no, three - holidays. One's a week-long camping trip at the end of July which has yet to be organised (grrr). The second is a Scout Camp from the 4th-8th August at a local Scout activity place-type thingy which is mostly fields but with cool stuff like an assault course as well, which should be fun. Then on the 24th-28th August I'm supposed to be going to London with some friends! Hooray!


There's also a chance a friend of mine who lives near London will be coming to visit. I really hope so. Haven't seen her since last February.


Now, that's the good stuff which I'm hoping will keep me sane during the exam period. The thought of Brawl or IRON MAIDEN on their own should be enough for that! Together with everything else...the exams would have to be REALLY bad.


Now, back to being ill. Bye!


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