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Chinese Films



Or Hong Kong, as it was separate of China when most of 'em were made.


Here's the scoop. I had a rough morning with a midterm and all (yes, I'm still on Midterms, finals don't come for another month.) So tonight, I thought I'd do something to just chill out. Sleep was out of the question once my roommate arrived, and I felt like watching a movie. But I didn't feel like shoving out five bucks for a rental (not to mention the walk to and from the nearest Blockbuster) So instead, I logged onto a video website, and randomly searched Jackie Chan. They had a bunch of clips from his various movies, and sometimes even the whole movie itself. It's split into ten minute portions or so, and the quality is not exceptional. But, hey, it's free.


Plus, here's something I do with foreign films. I don't use the English dub, where there are voice overs for all the characters in English. I listen to the film in its original language, and use English subtitles instead. I don't know why, but it makes the sound flow a lot better, plus I find it easier to understand quick words by reading it rather than hearing it blurted out rapidly. Just something I do. So I watched the movie clips in Chinese with English subtitles. There were English voice overs, but I skipped those.


With that said, I've wasted the last five or so hours watching all three Police Story (at least, I think that's the English name) movies in ten minute portions on an unnameable video hosting site. I don't know if it's legal or not, but these movies came out before I was born, so whatever.


And I've seen enough martial arts to satisfy me. yeah. B)




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Dude, subs rock. Heck, any anime I watch I'll find it online and watch the original with subs. It's just better that way.






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With anime, I watch english dub because I grew up with it. (Dragon Ball Z!)


With foreign films, definitely subs. Because it isn't a cartoon.



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*feels cheated because the movie he rented doesn't have the original audio, only an English voice over*


On the other hand, the quality is much better, and Operation Condor is a blast. On the other hand (back to the first one) I'm five dollars poorer.



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