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By Request...or...whatever I Feel Like.



Seems like my blog severly drops off in popularity whenever I try a serious attempt at entrydom, so obviously I just have to keep the rantdom (random + rant i r a genus lol) entries coming. Zoopals is quickly overused, pie and cheese are cliches, despite the ubercoolness, and any sort of fruit has been thrown out the window (and landing on Spitty's head, despite all the suggestions he's recieved as to where to move his llama farm too) from ye ole Fruit War topic. Waffles are slowly becoming not funny. I guess bread with gridlines on it just isn't cool. Chuck Norris has lost his originality, roundhouse kicks are the most terribl-*erk*


*Three hours later, from intensive care unit*




So what does it leave?


Obviously, Furbies are the topic of today's discussion. If you don't remember Furbies, and if you do not, may a higher power smite thee from above, or below, or maybe from behind you, or from the sofa, if you're a lazy-god worshipper. There have been some, believe me. Need I remind you of El Reclino Sporko (The Comfortable Multi-Use Utensil, in English), a deity worshipped in mostly deserted parts of the jungles of Peru? But anyway, that's beside the point - Furbies were these sporkdang creepy creatures, that as far as I remember, were like pets, without the loving companionship, and a lot uglier. Just a step above Pet Rocks. But these things could interact with OTHER Furbies (which obviously meant that there was a cult we did not know about), but were eventually crushed in The Great Furby War of '01, in which Furbies were out, and Elmo was BACK IN, baby! And El Reclino Sporko smote the Furbies back to Chucknorristopia, where they retired from their days of throwing pie at Spitty, and ate cheese in happiness, until Onuki came and owned them all...again.


THUS concludes my rantdom, as signified by my capital THUS, making my word superior to your word.


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seeing as I have nothing to say about the subject at hand, (other than Exo needs to get out more)

I'll just run in and pull a spitty.

*thwoes fuby tat Exo nd onws hm*

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I remember those. Made good Baseballs--I mean,...toys :P




I have about 10 of them from when i was 5-7.





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Furbies areAWSOME!

They own exo.



I am now the Piraka of furbys.Ha ha

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Weren't you going to post a serious entry? Funny thing really, a guy who's most known for being a nutter gets ignored when he posts a serious entry or everyone thnks your joking. I wonder what happens when I make a post that's actually agreeing with something?


Oh, and Furbies suck. Best thing to do would be to microwave them :rolleyes:



Magical Edit:

lols i fix grameh

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Captain, you know they've returned, don't you?


My scouts have spotted them in the Alps.

And it seems that the Furby plague is once again upon us.


Bring your weapon, preferably large and explosive.

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I think I got one of them... it's probably long been thrown out in the garbage and crushed at a dump. Now, it's stupid little pieces are floating in the ocean. *walks into room and finds Furby sitting on shelf with a note saying "my best friend" next to it* No, j/k. I'm with the idea that the crushed up pieces are floating in the ocean now with old paper plates and ketchup.


Anyway, yay!! Elmo has triumphed over the evil, ugly Furbies!



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What about Poozals? They're original. =(


Provide pictures of said Poozals, and I will consider that. :P

On second thought... nevermind...







What about Miobechs? They're the new hip... err... thing! :unsure:

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Is that some kind of vegetable?

It's whatever you want it to be! Yay! :sarcastic:


Miobechs for everyone!


*runs around insanely*

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The furby's eyes are hpnotic... but what are they really? Dun dun dun...


They're cameras, so that Captain Furby Forsenwoogle can spy on us... Forsenwoogle is our enemy, so I'm here to give you info on the enemy. For your safety.


What are Furbies, exactly? A hybrid of a dodo, a severely mangled chicken, and a hummingbird with corn up its nose.


The furbies can spread a disease whenever you hug them, making you say: Nanana nana - nana na nana... In the Furby language, this means "Join us or your race will vanquish."


As for Captain Furby Forsenwoogle, he appears so innocent... but evil! His eyes in evil mode will make even the bravest llama cower in fear! Here is a picture of him!


IPB Image


Of course, Forsenwoogle is not the scariest Furby. That fact alone brings terror into the brave soldiers who help rid the world of Furby.


There is... Me-Toh-Loo. Supreme dictator, he can corrupt your liver until it 'splodes! :OMG: He looks a lot like Forsenwoogle, by the way.


This info will help you in desperation, even though I didn't tell you at all how to stop a Furby. I went half way across the world to retrieve this information, so keep it secret, and- *gets hugged by Furby*


Nanana nana - nana na nana...


I am corrupted!!!




If anyone has ever heard of Me-Toh-Loo, they are probably very bored. :P

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