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Rooooom, And Other Stuff.

The Driver


Welcome back, like what I've done to the place?

I thought so.


Read on.

Today is room-entry day.

I've promised a while ago to show you how my room now looks.

But I had to resize about... a lot of pics. And everyone with a bit of Photo-editing knowledge knows that resizing is probably one of the most boring things ever.

Plus I'm very lazy...


Anyhow. Let's divide it in three parts: Before, During and After.




It all started out with this.

It looks small on pics, it's actually waaay bigger.

Here we have my ex-closet.

And the corner where my bed stands. Which will be replaced soon as well.

One of the unique characteristics of my room are the custom shelves. Which had a lot of stuff on them. Notice the 'had'.




Moving on to the During period.

Most of the stuff was moved out in this pic. The closet had been demolished as well, and ritually burned shortly afterwards.

The small white... furniture... -thingy behind my bed in this pic was sent in the eternal flames of Hades as well.

And here we have a small part of all my stuff which had been moved to my parents' room.


After a good hour, half of my room looked like this, this and this.

For once the ice-tea wasn't already there when we started, but it actually came from the fridge downstairs.

My bed had been moved as well.

It took us well over three hours to get my room look like this.


Then it was putting all my stuff back, building up my new closet and moving everything back.






all that it looked like the following 7 pictures.





Another -ick word




That concludes the room thingy.




Err... what else?

Ah yes, our COT Shop


The Teahouse is run by Loki and yours truly.

Go there for all your off topic banner and av needs!


Second episode of Boundless is also on its way.

And it should be done by tomorrow.

The first part of the OST will be included as well


That is all for now.




Recommended Comments

Gosh, I hate your room and blog, this is so ugly, go away and shut up.


Nyahah, the room looks awesome.


And I envy the font you have.



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For some reason I was expecting a deeper shade of orange, but I think I like that color better anyway.


The room looks great, and your blog is definitely pimped out. Nice job.

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Well I wanted a light shade, because too much would make it look like a warning sign.

And it would make your head ache.


My sis' room is yellow, and not even that yellow.

But after that was done, it would make your vision spin a little.


And with orange, that effect would be... tripled.


ANyhow, thanks for the comment :).


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Ah, right, that makes sense.


I remember a time when my old room was almost completely red. Red walls, red carpeting. It was pretty bad. Needless to say, it didn't take long before we painted it an off-white.

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