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Test Scores Out

Karzhani the Utahraptor


At last, my tests are over (though I still have some at the ned of year).

I'm not telling you my exact scores.


English: Good.

Math: Least than I expected, but still good.

Chinese: Aaarggh! Much lower than I expected.

Science:Look at the previous entry.

Other subjects: Ok.


Oh yes, I also finished reading the Chronicles of Narnia 4: Prince Caspian (which I started reading yesterday).

I think C.S Lewis has succeeded in making the story appealing and interersting, however, I found some sections (especially those with the long discussions and the oart at the end of the book where Aslan walks through the city).


Anyway, this is a blog, not a book review.


Ok, now that that's settled, let's move on to Bionicle.


*Music comes on*


There is this guy at school, who is also a Bionicle fan, and even knows some stuff that I don't. He thinks that Bionicle would definitely go bust by 2011. Naturally, I disagreed.


Well, only time will tell if he's true or I am.

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I wish my tests were over. =(


I haven't read the Narnia series, but I've seen the The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, and it was pretty good, so I'm looking foward to the new The Chronicles of Narnia Movie.


Also, Lego would only stop Bionicle if the Bionicle sales went down, and I think I read that Bionicle has been going well at the shops, so they wouldn't stop making Bionicle, at least not for a while. =)

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