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I actually have good news for once.


First of all, I don't know if I mentioned this in a later entry or not, but my condition has been conclusively diagnosed as simply being that my stomach secretes too much acid, and that my Vitamin-D and Calcium levels are low. It's not good, but it's better than it being my stomach being unable to absorb food, or hypoglycemia, or diabetes, or any of those other things my mom kept pestering me about that it "might have been". So I'm rather thankful. Basically, all I need to do is take antacid, and some other stuff, and get out in the sun more, and I'll get better. And I've actually been doing all those things I'm supposed to be doing recently. And yes, I get enough calcium; I eat all sorts of stuff like Pizza, Cheezits, Tacos, cheeze, etc. not to mention I drink milk and take these Antacids, which have calcium in them. It just doesn't metabolize due to lack of sunlight.


Also, I just reached 300 posts today! Yay! Hopefully, I'll be able to reach a thousand in the near future, because I REALLY need to post more here.


Also, I've been working on my self MoC again, as well as another portrait of my character. This portait is far better than my last one. However, I'm not going to color it in until I determine whether or not to use my character's white/black colorscheme, or his red/black one. If I DO use the white/black one I'm probably going to include Red or Burn Orange as a tertiary color.


Oh, and something else- I just learned that one of the people who fill in as an interim pastor in at our church is actually related to my family on my mom's side. He isn't a blood-relative, but he still counts as family. That, and it seems he's likely to become the pastor, if all goes well.


Also, I'm thinking of redoing my blog in a way similar to it's older version. The one I have now is too sober and boring, whilst the older one I had was more alive and vibrant. And colorful. And stuff.






Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. Though I would like for someone to post in my utterly rediculous and silly comedy...







Recommended Comments

Technically you have ulcers?




No, it's just that my stomach secretes too much acid.The doctors didn't detect any evidence of ulcers out of all the blood tests they did.


Only three hundred?







You know the old saying "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything"? That's mostly why; I don't want to be making short, pointless "Yes, no, maybe" posts most of the times. You have to remember that I don't comment on people's artwork, or MoCs especially all that often, mostly because I'm just not sure if I should, considering how bad all mine are.






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